Chapter 27

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I took a sip of the tea, that no one was touching, as if there was nothing wrong. Even though the Banished Princess of the Fire Nation was sitting right in front of me.

This birthday as gone from good to bad to better to worse.

It was Iroh, the Gaang, Natus, Ty, Akio, me, Azula and her two companies where the only ones in the room.

Zuko sat beside me, bouncing his foot up and down in a nervous fit.

Iroh was right beside Zuko drinking his own tea but was a little more nervous than me.

Ty and Akio where on the other side of me and everyone else was behind. Ty was also apart of this friendship me and Azula had.

Azula had on her right was a boy wearing a hoodie over his head covering his hair and wearing shades. He was light skinned and I'm guessing he's Earth Kingdom. And on her left was a girl with black hair that was put into a brade with black eyes, that where was looking around, uncomfortable with the tension and Zuko's glaring eye.

I jabbed him in the side and he gave a quite 'umph'.

"This tea is kinda blan," Azula said ending the silence after looking at the girl, "guessing you didn't make it Mai."

"Afraid so. Even if it was, I'd have to tone down the sugar for Ty Lee's sake."

"I like sweet tea not 'add another 20 pounds' tea," Ty said crossing her arms.

Zuko was looking at us like we lost our minds.
"What is this? A tea party? When my sister who escaped from an asylum is sitting right in front of us? And your acting like it's no big deal?"

"You'd be surprised by who all we see," Ty said looking at the floor but kept glancing at Azula.

"Why are you here Azula?" I said before Zuko could throw a fit.

"I have information on the Hemajes."

"Do you?" I said setting my empty cup down, "is this when you where on the run or in the asylum?"

Azula smirked picking the teapot, poring me a cup, "I see you haven't lost your since of humor. On the run. I think the Hemaje have a hideout and I think I know where it is."

"Now I'm listening," Akio said sitting farther on the couch. "Where is it?"

"I won't say."

I raised an eyebrow at this. Then why say anything at all. I picked up my tea and took another sip.

Zuko started to get up but I put my hand on his leg telling him to sit down, which he did but not happily.

Azula noticed this and gave us a sad smile, "I kinda hoped you two would get together."

"Save it," Zuko said harshly.

I give Zuko a side look but he's not looking at me but at his sister. I saw Zuko's hand fisting so hard that a blood vessel popped.

"Hold this," I said handing Zuko my cup, "and don't break it."

Zuko took it but was hardly listening to me. He gripped my cup so hard that I heard it starting to crack, bits of tea pored out. I growled at him and slapped his arm.

"Oww." He said but losing his grip on my cup.

"Why won't you tell us," I said looking at Azula.

"Its your birthday," she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "who would want to fight on their birthday? Okay someone with sense." She said smirking at me which I returned with a half smile and a chuckle.

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