Chapter 1

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10 years later
Another hot day, another meeting, another complaint, another blood bath to clean from the damn Mafia. This is the fifth one this week and it's only Wednesday!
When will all this stop? The war ended 17 years ago, all the other nations are going smoothly with only minor problems while my is tearing itself apart by its own people.
When the war ended I thought everything would be fine but the Mafia is out of control. Expesially the Black Rose. They are the worst of them all. They kill with no consent for others and their families. It makes me sick.
My thoughts were unturned when a big man with long white hair and beard, knocked on my door and enter without permission though it doesn't bother me.
With a big smile I say "hello uncle, how are you?"
"Just splendid! I had a wonderful breakfast and lunch and had tea with General Ling. His wife will be giving them their first child and I have him my congratulations. But it has gone a little dark. What's causing you problems nephew?"
Of course he saw right through me, he's pretty good at that.
"The Mafia has yet again had another fight killing 15 unknown victims."
"Yes, the same thing happened with the last killing too. I don't know what to do or how to handle it."
Iroh listened with out interruption, we stay there in silence as I wait for his response.
"Well what nephew?"
"This is usually the part where you tell me what to do or at least give me some odd riddle to figure what's the right way or whatever."
Uncle chuckles at me for that and I can't hold back a small smile that spread to my face. But that happens is short live for Iroh's face fell a bit' "I'm afraid I do not quit now HOW to help you but here's a riddle for you. Though the petal is black and look distrusting, trust the black throne that pokes at your side."
". . ."
Uncle starts laughing " You asked for a riddle I gave you a riddle!!!"
I love my uncle but sometimes he's just a pain.
I sigh with a little bit of annoyance "Why are you here uncle? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your get-to-together with your old friend?"
"Why yes that is in a bit but the real reason I'm here is to makes they don't wait any longer."
"He really forgot about us, you guys!!!" Yells a annoying but conferrting voice.
"How could anyone forget your annoying voice?"
"You don't have to be so mean Toph."
" Oh who asked you sugar queen?"
"Suki is my voice really that annoying?"
" Zuukkoo how have you been?" Suki says obviously trying to avoid, which bring a smile to my face.
I look at all my friends and see they haven't changed scenes the last time I saw them.
Toph is a young women now at 19 now. She has her long raven hair pulled into that weird bun she always wears. She in a green T-shirt with ripped blue jeans. Toph may be blind but she does not let that bother her. She can see with her feet which is pretty cool. She even made her own bend; metal bending.
Katara is 23 with long wave brown hair, she in a elegant blue dress with smile jewelry. When I first meet her she could barely even bend now she the strongest water bender I now.
Aang is Katara's fiancé. He is the Avatar and my closet friend. He's also the last air bender thanks to the fire nation. A hundred uears ago he ran away from home and froze himself in ice keeping him and his flying bison, Appa, alive. He blue arrows are visible on his hands and forehead and the back of his neck. The rest is covered by a long sleeve T and lose jeans.
Sokka is my best friend. He's a non bender and has a boomerang that he named "Boomy". Pathetic? Perhaps but he's a extremely strong fighter. Like his sister, Katara, he wasn't that good when we meet but I beat he could kick half of my men's butts with his eyes closed.
The same could be said for his girlfriend Suki. She a non bender like Sokka, but way stronger. He and her meet during the war when they were trying to escape me. She a lovely girl with short brown hair and hazel eyes. She wears a green long sleeve shirt and a denim skirt.
"Better now that I have the privilege of seeing all of you" and I mean it.
"Quit the royal crap and come drink some cattiest juice with me!"
"Sokka we are not allowed to drink tell after 5."
"Well let's get some tea or something!"
I laugh for the first time today.

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