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"𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑰  am asking is that you train this young man." Your brother spoke. The both of you sitting on pillows on your knees, a hot cup of tea placed in both of your guys hands. "Giyu, I'm already going to be training your sister. I don't think I'll have enough time- or energy to train two kids." Sakonji spoke, pouring himself a cup of tea. You looked at your brother and saw the grip on his tea cup tighten.

You didn't understand why Giyu wanted him to train this boy so badly, just a day ago he was trying to kill him and his sister. But now Giyu was determined to have Sakonji train him.

"You trained me, y/n, and Sabito at the same time." You looked down at your knees, though Giyu was right, he didn't need to bring up Sabito to Sakonji. Sakonji thought of Sabito like his own child, every kid he trained he thought of them as his own, and Giyu hit a weak point in him.

The small room fell silent, Giyu knew what to say when he needed to get his way. He was wise with his words and often spoke the truth when he needed to.

"Fine. Giyu, I'll give this boy a chance. Don't expect me to put my all into training him if he doesn't deserve it. Y/n will be my first priority while training them if the boy satisfies me." Sakonji turned to you two, his red mask staring at you. When you were a kid you were scared of his mask, even now it still freaks you out sometimes.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate it." Giyu said before taking a sip of his tea. You didn't understand why Giyu was so set on having this boy train with Sakonji. After all he was just a boy whose sister turned into a demon. Though you did feel pity for him, you didn't know if he could handle the training Sakonji was about to quite literally throw at him.

"I'll be off now, I have a report I need to go too." Giyu spoke, taking one last sip of his tea and rising to his feet. "Can I come to Giyu?" You spoke out happily. "No." You furrowed your brows at the response to your question. Giyu usually always says yes to you coming with him on missions.

"You get to stay with me Y/n. We are going to begin training for the final selection." Sakonji said. Your eyes widened at his words, "What?" You said. "You are starting training for the final selection. I was your age when I did the final selection. So if anything I babied you for too long and you're starting late." A frown plastered on your lips as you heard your brother's words.

"I don't need to be babied, ya know?" You said. Giyu sighed before bowing to Sakonji, he looked towards you and saw that you had your focus on spinning your tea in your cup. Giyu brought his hand to your head and ruffled your hair. "I'll see you soon, Y/n." Giyu spoke. You looked at your older brother with a large smile on your face.

"Next time I see you Giyu I'll be a demon slayer. I promise." You promised to your brother. Giyu chuckled and nodded his head. The boy waved goodbye to you and Sakonji before exiting the small house Sakonji stayed in. You watched as your brother's figure slowly washed away with the closing of the door. You couldn't help but bite your inner lip as you realized he is gone.

Though you knew he wasn't gone forever. You knew you would see him again but you couldn't help but feel different without him around, after all he was your older brother; he hadn't left your side ever since the passing of your older sister. You wondered if he felt the same and was just better at hiding it.

"Your brother will miss you as well Y/n. Do not stress yourself worrying if he doesn't or not." Sakonji said, you looked up towards the man, surprised he was able to read you like a book. You nodded your head at him with a small smile on your face. Maybe Giyu would miss you, after all Sakonji knew him just as well as you did.

Sanjiko looked out the window, the sun was setting slowly. An orange hue layed on the sky- the sunsets were always better up in the mountains. Sanjiko set his tea cup down, the hot liquid still steaming.

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