𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑻𝑬𝑵: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏

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"𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚!!! 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 I wanted to say was this! It's not about the money.. If you don't eat the udon I made, I'll never forgive any of you!" The old man shouted, you turned to Tanjiro who had a nervous look on his face but you quickly turned your head back to the man- not wanting to get scolded for not listening to his words. The old man turned to Nezuko, before yelling down at her.

"Hold the chop-sticks! What is with this bamboo?! Take that bamboo out of your mouth first!" The man yelled at Nezuko, who could only listen and make a sad look in her eyes. Tanjiro walked up behind the man and snatched the chop-sticks out of his hands. He marched to the bench where both of your noodles were and took a seat, he took the chop-sticks and almost shoved his food into his mouth.

You quickly followed him, sitting next to him and slurping up your noodle quickly into your mouth- though the noodles weren't hot from you chasing Tanjiro but they still were amazing. You almost choked because of how fast you ate. You and Tanjiro both finished at the same time, placing your bowels down on the wood table.

"We are finished!" You exclaimed, "That was delicious!" Tanjiro cheered. You both rose from the bench and bowed, "As long as you understand!" The man yelled at you two as all three of you jogged off quickly not wanting to make him more upset at you three.

"I'm so sorry I left you two..." Tanjiro stated, "Don't sweat it Tanjiro, it's all good." You smiled. Tanjiro smiled back at you, he took in how beautiful your eyes were under the moonlight, how elegant you looked. Though he could never tell you how much he adored you, even all the time you two had spent together.

Tanjiro was ripped out of his thoughts when he heard the faint sound of Nezuko growl causing him to turn to his younger sister and look at her. He turned in the direction where she starred and saw the same young man as before, his eyes widening as he stuck a hand out in front of you causing you to stop in your tracks.

"Hey- oh." You said your sentence switching as you turned to the man. "Are you waiting for us? You know I could have followed your scent and the lady here could have-" "How would you be able to find me? That place has a cloaking spell cast upon it to mask it from other people's sight. Compared to that..." The man stopped speaking as he turned to Nezuko, his nose scrunching at her.

"Isn't that woman a demon? And she's a brute of a woman too." Your eyes widened at the man's words as you quickly turned to Tanjiro, a look of confusion plastered on his face as he stared at the man. But you soon saw the gears in his head shift as he got a look of shock on his face.

"How is she a brute?! Look closely at her features! Everybody has stated that Nezuko is a beauty in our town!" Tanjiro shouted, you put a hand on his shoulder to try and relax his but he was more angry than imaginable. "We're going." The man stated as he turned to walk away, Tanjiro quickly followed by throwing his arm over Nezuko and began shouting at the man again.

"No, wait, we can go! But you said brute so we're definitely not ok with this! I'll bring you to a brighter place, so you can have a better look at her! That place over there!" Tanjiro shouted as he pointed to a better lit area.


"I'm back." The man spoke out, "Maybe it's because of the bamboo! I'm going to remove it and finally show you what she looks like!" "Tanjiro, that's enough!" You barked, slapping the back of his head as he jolted forward from the sudden pain. "Welcome back." You quickly turned to see the woman from earlier, she was even prettier in better light. You looked over her shoulder and saw the woman from earlier, you quickly bowed and Tanjiro followed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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