𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑭𝑰𝑽𝑬: 𝑻𝒂𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒀/𝒏'𝒔 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 2

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"𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝒂𝒓𝒆 you? Where did you come from?" Tanjiro yelled as you both rose to your knees the best you two could. "What are you two doing?" The boy asked. "Doing?" Tanjiro said confused. "We are training." You said as if it was obvious. "How long do you two plan to have your butts stuck in the mud? Take a stance!" You and Tanjiro both looked down and saw the mud you two were standing in. You both quickly got up and got into stance. You couldn't help but notice the wooden sword in the boy's hand.

"Now attack!" he yelled at you and Tanjiro. "But... You have a wooden sword! And we have real ones!" You shouted at him. The boy stood and looked at you and Tanjiro, his mask looking at you instead of his eyes. The silence seemed to be cut with the large sound of laughter from the boy and you and Tanjiro looked at each other.

"How sweet! Thanks for worrying about me! You two think you can hurt me?" The boy said as he laughed, the boy took no time but to jump to you and clash swords with you. He was fast, very fast.

The boy's mask was nose-to-nose with you. The eyes of the mask were sharp just like a fox. The person who created the mask took their time with the sculpting of it.

"Rest your poor soft heart girl. You can't hurt me! I'm stronger than you'll ever be! I've already split the boulder!" Your eyes widened at his words. "You split the boulder?" You exclaimed, your sword was in a tight block with his wooden one. Tanjiro tried to act quick and swung his sword behind the masked boy. The masked boy ducked his head then sweeped his legs under Tanjiro's causing him to fall onto his back.

"You've gained nothing. You haven't mastered anything!" The maske boy spoke, you couldn't describe how but the boy was able to flip you over by just tilting his sword a way you have never seen before making you do a backflip motion onto your back. You were now lying by Tanjiro holding your back as you squirmed on the ground in pain.

"Certainly not... the breathing technique taught by Urokodaki! Total concentration breathing!" The boy yelled, Tanjiro questioned how this random masked boy knew about Urokodaki, and when he turned his head to you he only saw the same confused expression on his face on yours. "You two memorized this as a fact! But your bodies don't understand anything!" He barked.

Tanjiro watched Y/n sit up and rise to her feet while holding her back. Your brows were furrowed in what Tanjiro had to guess was anger.

"I do understand it! He teached me when I was young! He basically raised me! You don't understand anything!" You yelled at the boy. Tanjiro's eyes were wide as he sat up. "You obviously don't you fool! You only think of the breathing as a fact! You don't know how to feel the breathing technique run through you!" The masked boy said.

The boy swiftly ran towards you, Tanjiro jumped to his feet and blocked his hit with his swords, he thought you had had enough of taking the blows and stood in between you two.

"Look at this! A knight and shining armor for the stubborn girl!" The masked boy yelled, he began constantly hitting Tanjiro's sword, tanjiro trying his best to keep up with blocking the blows the masked boy was making.

"Beat it into your guys flesh and blood!" He screamed, You quickly began to help Tanjiro block blows that he was going to miss, it was beyond the thought of both of you on how this boy could possibly try and hit you two at his speed. "More! More! More! So that you two become the embodiment of the secrets of Urokodaki taught you two!" The boy screamed, passion was in his voice. The masked boy sounded determined to make you two strong.

"Beat it into the marrow of your guys bones!" He yelled, "We do! We do it every day! As hard as we can!" Tanjiro yelled, as he stuck up for the both of you. Trying his hardest to prove you two were trying your hardest to become strong. "But, no matter how hard I try... I can't process any further! I can't keep up with Y/n! I try every day but I can't!" Tanjiro yelled.

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