𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑰𝑿: 𝑨 𝑴𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒇 𝑯𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔

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𝑨𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒔 soon as you and Tanjiro stepped foot into the final selection grounds two demons came rushing to you, the loud bickering of their voices made you almost want to rip your ears off. Tanjiro took guard and got into his stance though you could feel his emotion; Fear.

"Hey! Hey! Get lost! I'm gonna eat these kids!" A demon hissed, "No you get lost!" The other demon hissed back. "There are two of em' you take the one with the mask, I take the one with the mask on the side of his head!" The demon said, "Fine! So be it!"

You turned to Tanjiro to see him sweating bullets. This would be Tanjiro's first time seeing a demon that wasn't friendly like Nezuko. But for you this wouldn't be your first and what you were hoping for wasn't your last time seeing one. You placed a hand on his back and spoke,

"We got this Tanjiro, like you said. For Sabito and Makomo."

Tanjiro nodded at your words, you felt his fear decrease a bit and he relaxed his body. The two demons slowed themselves and you saw the look on Tanjiro's face when they looked more like reptiles instead of people like Nezuko. The two demons jumped toward the both of you and you and Tanjiro both took in a breath of air.

"It's been so long since I ate human flesh!" One of the demons yelled.

"Water breathing! Total concentration... Fourth form! Striking Tide!" Tanjiro yelled.

"Water Breathing! First form! Water surface splash!" You yelled.

Your body relaxed as your eyes felt the demon's emotions, that's when you saw it. The thread. You looked the demon heading towards you in the eyes and your blade followed the thread. You watched your blade cut through the demon's neck with grace. The demon's head falling to the ground as the demon's head Tanjiro attacked did the same.

"We did it Tanjiro! We beat them!" You said with a smile, you turned to Tanjiro who had his hands pressed together. He mumbled something as he bowed his head. You were confused for a second until you realized Tanjiro was paying his respects to the demons who you two had just killed. You looked at the crumbling bodies of the demons and did the same. You pressed your hands together and mumbled a "Rest in peace" and bowed.

If Giyu saw you doing this he would probably slap the back of your head and say to not let them rest in peace. But you didn't understand why you followed Tanjiros actions and paid respects to them.

As you and Tanjiro paid your respects to the demons who were slowly burning away your eyes shot open from the sudden burst of emotions near you. You turned your head to Tanjiro to see him plugging his nose. The smell he was smelling is probably strong just like the emotions that were crashing out around you.

"WAAAAH!" You and Tanjiro turned your heads to see a boy not much older than you running away, "There's a huge, deformed demon back there! I've never seen anything like it!" The boy yelled at you and Tanjiro. As the boy finished his sentence the ground rumbled. The emotions are shooting at you harshly. The emotion was anger, but cockyness at the same time.

The demon appeared out of the trees, it held an already deceased kid in it's hand. Blood dripped from the kid's mouth. The boy who yelled earlier began to run but was scooped up by the demon, he let out a blood curdling scream as you and Tanjiro stood in front of the demon.

You heard Tanjiro draw his sword, your eyes widening under the mask you wore. Tanjiro jumped to the demon and slashed its arm off. The boy who was scooped up fell to the ground. Tanjiro jumped in front of him and stood in a fighting stance. His brows furrowed, you knew that Tanjiro wasn't going to let the demon hurt the boy behind him.

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