𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑬𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻: 𝑺𝒘𝒂𝒎𝒑 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒃𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

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𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏 𝒃𝒍𝒂𝒅𝒆 has the special property of changing color based on its owner. However yours is the brightest blue that Sakonji has seen along with yourself, even after all the water demon slayers swords you have seen. He told you that maybe it's just from your happy attitude, or maybe something deeper. But due to this bright aqua color, you only wonder how much the color of your sword will affect you.

As for Tanjiro, his black sword is rare. The properties of his sword are unknown to most, and due to this swordsmen that haven't made a name for themselves yet are called black blades. You thought this name was cool and mysterious.

But Tanjiro only smiled at your words, though you could feel his emotions, he was upset over this but you felt a burning passion somewhere in that upsetness.

Along with your new swords, you both had gotten new kimonos. His was a green and black checked pattern, yours was an aqua blue with ocean wave detailing at the bottom. Tanjiro also received a box to carry Nezuko in, it was made out of light wood but was very strong and was hard to break.

You also were lucky enough to receive another mask from Sakonji, but this fox mask had a wave on it's left cheek along with a smile. You wore the mask on the side of your head, you told yourself you would wear it during fights.

But your two's uniforms were made out of a special material. The uniform has good air permeability and is also resistant against moisture and fire. The claws and teeth of weak demons couldn't even rip the fabric.

Tanjiro got a full body demon slayer corps uniform while you got a skirt and shirt. You didn't mind this though it might make it easier to move around, but the downside was the fact that your legs were always on display.

You and Tanjiro walked through the main road of the town, both of your heads held high as you walked. You felt prideful in your new uniform. You felt like a true demon slayer corps member and not the little girl that would follow her hashira bother around on his missions.

Though you were prideful you couldn't help but pick up on the strong emotions that ran through this town, fear, anger, sadness, and pity. These emotions were strong, almost like everyone in the town felt nothing but these. Tanjiro seemed to pick up on these emotions as he looked around with a sad look on his face. You watched as he looked at a beat up man walking past, his emotions lingered of sadness, anger, and sorrow.

"The emotions here are so strong." You spoke, putting your hand to your head as you felt a headache come on. "Yeah, everyone seems so dull or worn out." Tanjiro spoke. "Kazumi-san looks devastated... he was right beside Satoko when she was taken." You heard a woman speak, this caused Tanjiro to stop in his tracks and listen to the woman's words.

"It's so unsettling that this happens every night." A woman spoke out, "Yeah I hate this... Always after nightfall, young girls are going to get abducted again." A woman responded. Tanjiro turned around sharply and began running. "Wha- Tanjiro! Wait up!" You yelled, rushing behind him to find where he was running. Tanjiro came to a halting stop and so did you. "Hey what are you doing we have to-"

"Kazumi-san!" Tanjiro yelled, the man in front of you two turning around quickly to look at who just yelled his name. "We would like to inquire about the specifics of this situation. May we?" Tanjiro asked, you looked at him as if Tanjiro was wrong in the head. You don't just go around asking someone about their kidnapped significant other.


But apparently people go around asking all the time about people's kidnapped loved ones because Kazumi-san lead you right to where she was last seen.

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