Chapter 20 - They Rise as They Fall

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I can see the flame of uncertainty in Lady Jane's eyes, before she turns forward away from me muttering a soft 'We'll talk about this later.' She pointed to the group and her nose bridge wrinkled up.


There was a sudden rush of wind, air and noises as the monster moved forward onto the knights. Only now did I seem to notice how unfair the fight was getting. With every passing fight we had, our army growed while theirs shrunk.

I shivered. How many more battles could they fight?

A sword nearly cuts my head off, as someone else dives into the attacker and sends them both tumbling away. I take a step back.

Where was the usual thrill of the battle?

Why did it feel so empty?


Did it—

Feel so, so, so—


My head is pushed into the gritty stone walls of the castle fortress, as I meet eyes with the queen.

They've been struck with flint.

Yellow flames dance, as I barely manage to slip out of the way of a piercing heel (how she's wearing heels on the battleground is beyond me.)


The name is shaking, it's screaming. The worlds tipping. The sky's turning red, then black. Why was the trees so sharp then so blurry all at once—

"Step away from him!"

Was that a sword? Why was it getting bigger?


They're hysterical. Why did they sound so.... why do they sound so scared?


A powerful voice, like sound waves crashing against a dark tunnel by an ocean, it's raging waters swirling up past my ankles and into mouth and out my eyes.

"What are you gonna do about it Queenie?" 

Oh. I'm crying.


Why am I crying? Is it happy tears? Sad tears? 

"I doubt it."

A tear slips off my left cheek. The right one starts to slide up its way as a dark shadow coils it's hand around my shoulder.


It's not comforting, it's pinning me down to where I stand. Somethings breaking inside me, the strings around my hand and feet are snapping.

"Gold— oh my god— CALM DOWN— GOLD!"

Was that a shooting star? Why was it blue and so close to the ground. Did the sky flip around?


It's reaching its breaking point, like shattered glass ready to shatter at a single touch...

"Oh, scared of losing another like your parents and sister?"

There it was.

All I could hear was devastated screams, iron clashing on iron, laughter, someone screaming again. Was someone crying? Who was that holding back the yellow fire? 

The monsters, they grow. They swallow and dissolve all the humans like salt in water. It smells like salt. And betrayal.

The yellow fires dimming, a redhead was smothering the flames out. It wouldn't be long until—

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