Chapter 5 - Truth Hunting

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Something cold and hard whips across my face, the force of it making the right side of my cheek hit against the cold, hard floor.

"Draco! Idiot! How dare you embarrass me like that, you worthless piece of-" Lady Jane stops mid-sentence as my eyes flutter open. "You're finally awake! God, it took you so long. Why are you still so weak? I didn't give you all those potions for nothing!"

I sit up and look around, expecting to see the shattered remains of my dead sister. Upon realizing that I'm not in the white abyss room anymore, and a thousand beasts were staring at me mockingly, a wave of hot embarrassment shoots through me.

Darn it, I've appeared weak in front of these beasts. Lady Jane taught me to never cry, be weak, or release any sort of control when in front of your enemies, and especially your allies. You have to make them obey you, and creatures only obey strong leaders.

I rise up, blinking my eyes as my vision turned black for a second. "Sorry about that- no, actually, I'm not sorry about that. I received only a slap for suddenly fainting, but if it were any of you..." I swiped my hand across my throat in a meaningful way.

I could tell Lady Jane was pleased, from the way she gave a slight nod from my peripheral vision.

"I have a plan that I'd created with Philip, who will also be joining us on this raid. He will be my second-in-command. Do not disobey any of us." I said sharply.

I told them about the battle plan: Philip will lead a party of beasts as the frontrunners, while I will lead the rest as for the actual battle. Philip's party will shoot cannonballs into the castle, and then we'll all charge in.

"Free as many servants as you can. But leave the pesky princesses for me. If I see any of you killing those 3," I glare at them, making sure my red pupil turned into slits, "I will do far worse to you."

I can tell I've regained whatever respect I'd lost from my earlier predicament. I smiled, the smile I've seen Lady Jane do so many times. The smile that sends a shiver up your back, and makes you look around fearfully.

"Alright, we're done. Leave." Lady Jane said, coming up to my side and wrapping an arm around me, only that no part of her arm touches me. Like there's an invisible barrier between us. "Good job, Draco. I think I'll be able to imprison and... experiment on more than one princess after this battle."

I nod and turn to leave with the beasts, but Lady Jane stops me. "No, Draco, stay. I want to ask you some things." She turns to Philip, who's been silent this whole time. "Leave, Philip. I think your weird headache earlier is cured. If it happens again, do come and tell me, and I'll give you more of that purple potion to... cure it." That slight pause was almost unnoticeable, but I recognized it. And although my brain dismissed it immediately, a slight knot formed in my stomach for some reason.

Phillip nods and swiftly leaves the room, leaving me alone with Lady Jane.

"So...Draco, my dear boy, why did you suddenly faint?" Lady Jane asks, and although she was smiling, her eyes were as cold as the marvel floor. "Tell me what you remember seeing after you fainted."

I swallow and force out, "I-I don't remember, Lady Jane. I only remember falling on the floor, and then you slapping me awake." My brain screamed at me to stop lying to Lady Jane, who is my saviour, but my gut told me to keep going. "I think I was merely tired after a whole afternoon spent in the library, trying to form a plan... perhaps I'd inhaled too much dust while in there."

Lady Jane nodded, peering at me closely. I tried to stare right back in her eyes. This eye contact competition seems to go on for a long time, but at last, Lady Jane gives a curt nod and says, "Very well. I trust you. You may leave now, the raid will be in 2 days."

My heart hammering, I turn and leave the room.

On my way up to my bedroom, I stop by the washroom and check my reflection; the tear streaks were gone, and my eyes were my normal red eyes. I have no idea where those green eyes from the dream were from, but they certainly aren't my eyes. My eyes have always been red. Feeling relieved, I turn and leave for my bedroom.


The next day, Lady Jane sends me a written note via a beast telling me to meet with Philip to go over the plan again. I tell the monster to get Philip while I make my way down to the courtyard.

Philip arrives almost as soon as I do, with his teal hair messy and uncombed. (Omg I can just imagine Philip looking like that and I die-HE'S SO CUTE) (Cady shut up and go on with the story.)

"Hey, Philip! Are you feeling better?" I ask in concern.

Philip looks at me and nods, his equally red eyes brighter than they were yesterday, the signs of teal gone. "Yeah. I met Lady Jane on the stairs and when she asked me what was wrong, I told her. She led me down to this chamber I'd never seen before and gave me this purple potion and told me to drink it. I did, and the headaches were instantly gone! It was like a miracle potion or something."

" have any kind of...flashbacks when you were having those headaches?" I ask cautiously, eyes flicking around to make sure no monsters were eavesdropping. My flashback pains and my weird dreams with my sister were the only things I haven't told Lady Jane. Of course, my mind tells me the right thing would be to tell her, but my gut feels otherwise.

Philip tilts his head to the side, almost like a confused puppy. "I guess? Kind of? I mean, a girl's face kept on popping into my mind. She has this beautiful laugh that kept on repeating in my head but... no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't see her face. And the more I try, the more painful the headache gets."

I inhale sharply, eyes wide. No. Freaking. Way. Philip was having one of those memory flashbacks! But... that must mean he'd seen Lunar before. No way. And... if Lunar stood out to Philip enough for him to experience memory pains with her as the subject... what will happen if he sees her on the raid tomorrow? Will he remember his past? And once he remembers his past, will he leave us to join my sisters' side?

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to ignore the endless questions bouncing around in my head. Shaking my head violently, I say, "Let's start going over the plan. Then we can train for a bit too."


The sun is fully set by the time Philip and I trudge back into the castle. The training helped ease my mind, and I was fully prepared for tomorrow. It doesn't matter if Philip had known Lunar before- he was one of us now, and he doesn't seem like the type to betray us. And who's to say that he was having flashbacks of Lunar? It could've been of other girls.

Philip holds out a fist to me at the intersection of the stairs and I bump it.

"Goodnight, man." He says before turning to head to his bedroom.

"Night.." I say back, watching him leave.

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