Chapter 16 - It's Been a Long Day

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It was... cold.

A light draft perhaps, coming in through cracks on a wall.

My eyes cracked open to adjust to the softly filtered light. Golden rays that slid across the floor in front of me.

Where was I?

The walls around me were stone, cold to the touch. There was a barred window, in which outside I could see the clear blue sky, stretching out like a blanket and covering the horizon.

High ceiling, with a few lanterns scattered around the room, it was no secret that this circular room was a prison. And from the looks of it, I was in a tower high in the sky. 

I was laid on a patchwork blanket, and there wasn't much in the room. A heavy wooden door that probably lead to the outside world, where I was currently locked away.

My head throbbed, where was I?


It all came rushing back to me like a typhoon. I mentally slapped myself.

Look at what you've done now Draco. You try to do something nice but look where how that's ended. Stuck in a jail cell, knocked out for who knows how long.

My hand came up to comb through my hair, and I winced a bit as it brushed past a part of my head.

Holy god, how hard did that stupid lil princess hit me?

Well, my wait has clearly long been overstayed. It was time to get myself out of here.

I quickly summoned a small blast of magic, ready to completely incinerate this door out of existence.

Instead, when I shoot it at the door, the ball of magic simply bounces off, a magical purple tint rippling before fading back out of existence,

Oh that blasted witch.

I test the rest of the walls, all coming off with the same effect. I felt my anger and frustration mount as the frustrating pattern continues for the floor and even the roof as well!

Now I really wanted to kill somebody.

Suddenly, as I sit in the middle of the circular room, panting, I could hear voices and footsteps outside my prison.

"Why did you put him in high-security?"

"Cause, Lunar enchanted it to be magically immune to anything Draco tries... we can't let him slip out of our grasp."

Panicking, I dive toward the patchwork quirt and pretend to be asleep on it as I hear the door click and unlock.

The door creeks open and I hear a female voice let out a small whimper.


"I shouldn't have hit him that hard, didn't expect him to still be knocked out."

There was a male sigh and the door creeped again, presumably closing.

"Don't worry Gold, I'm sure he's fine."

"Kyran how can you be so sure?"

Ah, so it was little Goldie locks and her knight in shining armour.

Seriously, I'm not even on the same side and I know that knight has to do something about his obnoxious crush on the queen.


"Are you sure he can't escape?"

"I added extra guards along with Alec and his lover girl."

"He can do freaking magic Kyran! It doesn't matter if you put more guards, it's just gonna be more bowling pins for him to knock down."

"Well then get the flex tape and tape the bowling pins down, cause we are not going without a fight."

I cringe into the blanket. What kind of examples are these?

What the heck even is flex tape!

Suddenly a memory comes crashing back into my head. I feel my body tense as I bite my lip to keep down a squeal of pain.

"Lunar! Come here!"


I was chasing a girl down a hallway, a roll of grey tape in my hands.

"Come on, get over here. Stop delaying the inevitable!"


We were playing a game with the rest of the siblings, a kind of tag where we had to stick the roll of 'flex tape" onto someone else.

I successfully managed to stick the roll on her back, and I could almost feel my eardrums ringing at the sounds of her screams of defeat.


I hear Gold softly exhale and take a step closer to me.

"Kyran, he tensed up... I think he's having a bad dream or something."

"Do you want me to wake him up?"

My mind went racing. The last thing I wanted to do today was talk to either of them.

I hear the pRInCeSs take a deep breath.

"Yeah... wake him up."

The steps drew closer... thundering footsteps that echoed in the room. Sealing my fate.


There was a poof noise and the sound of boots hitting the floor. 


I let out a small silent breath as I hear the foot steps retreat back.

"Lunar? What's going on?"

Oh, so now my witch sister was here. Everyone's at the party today huh?

"I was making my way over when this... this bat thing smashed through the window, picked up a butler and left! Then I look out the same window, and after saving the Butler... FYI your welcome, I just see more of the bat things swooping in through windows smashing things."

A pair of flats start to rush away from me, and the door creeks open.

"They're looking for him."

The door creeks shut, effectively locking out all the noise and letting me wake up.

A small smile creeps across my face as I walk over to the door and pull it open effortlessly.

They forgot to lock it.

As I step outside, I'm met with a looping staircase down and the open sky in front of me. I can see gold locks round the corner, accompanied by two more heads.

I see a bat-monkey hybrid thing, looking at me. I give it a curt nod before hopping on.
It flies me down towards the forest, away from the castle.

A guard spots me and shoots an arrow at me. I catch it mid air, and shoot him a cold smile, before letting the arrow burn up into flames, the ashes flying into the wind.

Finally, I meet solid ground and am met with a stern voice.


I quickly spun around and was met face to face with Lady Jane again.

Hurling myself into her, I let my tears loose. They rolled down my face. I ignored the look of shock (and... was that disgust?) on her face. My saviour.

Oh man, it's been a long day.

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