Chapter 15 - 6 Years Ago

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A knock on my door made me look up from my bed.

"Come in," I say carelessly, too engaged in the comic book I was reading.

"How's my boy doing?" My dad asks, closing the door behind him. 

"Hey Dad," I mumble, flipping a page. 

My bed dips to the side as weight was added to it. "Draco, I have to discuss something with you." My dad takes the comic book and closes it.

"Dad!" I protest, lunging for the comic book, but my dad keeps it just out of reach. 

"As you know, your sister's 16th birthday is coming up." My dad says calmly while I make multiple attempts to snatch my comic book back.

I don't have to ask which sister. "Yes, I know! That's all anyone's been talking about for the past month." I grumble, giving up and slouching on my bed.

Dad ruffles my hair with a chuckle. "You won't be so grumpy when you're stuffing your face with cake at her birthday."

"Are you done? Can I have my book back?" I ignore his attempt at joking.

"Well, I thought, since you spend the most time with Funneh, you would know what she'd like for her 16th birthday? Your mother and I have a plenty of gifts prepared for her already, of course, but 16 is a big year." 

"I don't know. Get her dolls or something." I knew I was being childish, but I didn't care. Dad and mom had told Rainbow, Gold, and I what they got for Funneh; a horse, a trampoline, no chores for 16 months, and they still want to give her more?

"Draco," my dad sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "Help me out here, buddy. She's your sister, and your bestest friend! Don't be selfish."

That snapped me out of whatever mood I was in. Was Dad right? Was I being selfish? I should be happy for my sister, right? Why wasn't I happy?

"Sorry, Dad. You're right." I bite my lip, reluctant to continue, but my love for my sister overpowered. "I know Funneh really loves this sword you have in the Weapons Room."

Dad's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "How did you even get in there?"

I try to hide my triumphant smirk at the memory; Funneh had dressed me up as one of the guards, armours and all—even a moustache! I'd swaggered up to the guard guarding the door and told him his shift is ending early. We weren't expecting for the guard to believe us, but he did! We spent the entire day inside, inspecting everything, and that's how we found the hidden tunnel at the back.

At my silent smirk, my dad sighs. "I'm not even going to ask. You and your troublemaker sister." He says, shaking his head. "Can you show me the sword?"

I'd wondered, at the time, what Dad would've done if I'd told him I also liked the sword.

I think he would've let me keep it.

But I would never know.

"Sure. What do I get in return?" 

Dad chuckles and pinches my cheeks, at which I squirm away. "You'll get an epic gift for your 16th birthday. I promise." 

And I believed him.


The village was decorated with balloons, confetti, banners, and everything in between. Huge '16' balloons encircled the space, and I could see Funneh's big face everywhere I turn. On banners, on balloons, as murals, and some people even changed their window curtains to her face.

"Excuse me!" A woman said as she hurried past me, of confetti with—you guessed it—Funneh's face on them.

I join Rainbow and Gold at the centre of the village, where the party will be held at. 

"...insane! I don't remember my 16th birthday being its fancy!" Rainbow was saying to Gold, laughing. 

If you didn't know Rainbow, you would've thought she was jealous. But she wasn't. I could see the joy radiating off them, their mouths spread in a wide grin.

"I know right! I wish I was the second youngest, not the second oldest!" Gold agreed.

The real reason why Gold and Rainbow's birthdays weren't as fancy was because our kingdom and surrounding area weren't settled back then, and Dad and Mom worked their butts off to keep our borders safe.

That's around the time Funneh and I started to become obsessed with swordsmanship. We wanted to help. But being viewed as "children", we weren't allowed to do much. So we took matters into our own hands.

"Where's Lunar?" I asked, surveying the town square. 

"She said she wanted to do something quickly," Rainbow replied. "I bet she has something special planned for Funneh."

Dad and Mom arrived, both looking stunning in royal wear. 

"Wow, Mom's gown is so pretty!" Gold gushes admiringly. "And Dad looks so sharp in his suit!"

Lunar joined us then, and we settled in the front row as Dad cleared his throat.

I don't remember much of his speech, though I'm sure it was very heartfelt and proud-dad-moment-esque. 

Trumpets suddenly started blaring, and the crowd turned to look behind them as Funneh appeared, her blue hair in an intricate bun, and her gown looked like an ocean come to life.

Gold let out a gasp beside me, and the crowd echoed her gasp. 

I don't blame them.

Funneh looked like she was getting married, sans the white dress.

Yet, even though she was dressed in what looked like the prettiest dress ever, she looked uncomfortable. Awkward. And I couldn't suppress a smirk as her eyes found mine and let out a silent SOS signal.

My other sisters and I gathered around her as she opened up her presents. When the huge box containing the sword was unwrapped, tears leaked out her eyes as she flung herself into our parents' embrace.

But I gave you the sword, I wanted to say, but kept my mouth shut.

Then Funneh hugged each of her siblings in turn. As she hugged me, she whispered, "Sorry. I know you loved that sword. I can give it-" 

"No," I force the word out. "It's your present. Happy birthday, sister."

I felt her smile against my cheek. "I love you, Draco. We'll give you an epic 16th birthday, I promise.

And I believed her as well.

Mom and Dad were brutely murdered before Funneh's 17th birthday next year. The kingdom was in so much chaos the years after that our birthdays were barely celebrated.

And I never got the epic gift I was promised.

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