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The moon was high in the night. The road was empty, except for a lone cart, being drawn by a blue-eyed white horse, who kept flicking their mane in the air. The driver on the cart let out a sigh of breath, and lit a lanturn.

Draco's face was illuminated by the lanturn, and he twisted back to the big box behind him, where Rainbow's cake was wrapped up safey. He would'nt want anything to happen to it, but he would be very happy to skip most of the party.

A branch cracked to his left.

His head locked onto the sound, and his free hand wrapped around his sword. He was ready.

The thing is, he wasn't ready.

Purple smoke burst forth, filling the air with a shimmery purple mist. Draco coughed and stumbled back. The horse reared up, and it ran off into the woods. Someone burst forward and grabbed Draco, locking their arm around his neck. He screamed and tried to pull the arm off of him. He yelped as the figure stepped on his foor with the edge of a heel, sending twingles of pain up his leg. The figure pulled out a vial and poured the liquid into Draco's mouth.

He stopped moving and the mystery figure let go of him. Draco fell to the ground as the figure stepped back, lowering her hood. A flash of red came across his eyes and he looked up. He shivered and he looked around slowly. He managed to catch sight of the figure and called out to them.

"Who are you?"

Lady Jane stepped into the light, an empty bottle held in her hands.

"Thank goodness your alright."

She fed him lies. Lies of how his sisters were taking advantage of him. How his sisters wanted to kill him. How his sisters had just abandoned him here alone.

Draco swallowed all the lies.

Before he knew it, he was head over heels for this woman.

His saviour.

Ill make my sister's pay.


Welcome back to "The Krewdom." So sorry for starting this book late, but everyone should take a heath break from time to time. But now we are back in action and ready to bring our best to the table. Draco's book will be different from the rest of the
series, because of his role in the story. We are all super excited! YEE-YEE

Disclaimer: Before reading DATC, we strongly suggest you to read the other three books before this one, as the book might make more sense afterwards.

This is gonna be such a wild adventure. But then again, when has our books not been?

Without further ado, please welcome.

"Draco and the Curse."

Xoxo, Tropical and Cady

"When you start seeing your worth, you will find it harder to stay around people who don't."

Draco's Predicament ✔️Where stories live. Discover now