Chapter 2 - Bubble's Return

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She asks me as if I would know the answer.

Suddenly, someone burst in. Lady Jane whipped around and turned to the other human being, I have ever been able to talk to since I was saved by Lady Jane.

"Ah! Philip. Back with a report?"

The young man nodded slowly, the red and purple colour swirling in his eyes. I had simply drank a powerful potion (in which I was not informed of what it was) and was able to break my silly sisters spell and free him as one of my own.

He pulled Lady Jane out of the cave, muttering to her. Her eyebrows rose as they rounded a corner. I sighed and sat down. Great.

I decided to go back to the castle, mainly because I was bored out of my mind and really wanted to do something.


I nearly jump out of my skin. Bloody Heck! What was she thinking? I quickly turned the corner and saw Lady Jane standing there by herself. 


"Lady Jane."

She cocks an eyebrow up at me, and I cock one up in return. It's an eyebrow raising contest I guess.


My mind was racing. How do I get myself out of this? Are we just going to stand here until the end of time?



She blinked slowly and looked me up and down. My hands fiddled with the hem of my cape that I wore around me at all times.

"I'm sorry?" Lady Jane asked, looking at me funny. "Why don't I drink that potion you used to make me drink all the time?"

I know, I know. That is a completely random question. But, from my experience... asking questions, even stupid ones, will distract Lady Jane in what she wanted to ask me. Plus, I was curious.

"Do you recall the last time you drank that potion that helps you fight the curse your sisters put on you."

My mind pulls up the memory.

Lady Jane drew out a bottle of purple swirling liquid and gave it to me.

"Drink it."

I gulped it down, and watched as she pulled out another bottle. The acid green liquid inside seemed to be smoking and bubbling.

"Drink this too."

I didn't hesitate, I trusted her. How could I not? She saved me when Ithought all was lost. I gulped down the potion.

I let out an ear-spiting scream was quickly overcome by another's laughter as it bounced off the walls and into the wild.

"Yeah I do..."

"The second potion, you could say acted like glue. The first potion that turned you evil- I mean saves you is only temporary. The second potion is a concoction I made that helps stick the magic from the first potion to your soul. Saving you."

"Oh! That makes sense!"

She nods, and gives me a small, sick smile. Great, she seems to forget why she was yelling at me. She turns her heel, telling me to go do whatever I needed to do.


I step into the hall of my castle again. Monsters still roamed around the perimeter. To me, this place was way more safe then the cave, but Lady Jane insisted that since my sister found out the location, we should make frequent trips to the cave. Without letting anyone, or monsters see.

Wondering down the long, empty halls I wonder about my past life. Lady Jane refuses to tell me anything, because it will "Scar me beyond imagination."

Which made me only wonder about it more.

I stepped into the library, with it's tall shelves filled to the brim with books. A large, square rug covered the centre, with tattered ends. Some of the books were stolen from the Krewdom, but I don't think they ever noticed.

I take my favourite book down from the shelf. The ironic thing is, I can't even read the title! I trace over the gold lettering with my finger:

Şərin pıçıltısı.

Who knows what it says. Whatever, it's cool looking.

I open the book to a random page, and read. I just read and read. All the background noise blurred together and became nothing. I lost myself in the world of literature.

The was one of the few moments I could be calm, and have my own decision. Not listening to Lady Jane for once.

I come across a page that I have consulted many time before. It makes me blink my eyes, and sigh.

Memory Bubbles.

"Memory Bubbles are a rare thing of extraordinary magic. It is not known how exactly it is made, but most people know the effects of it. It can be used for evil or good. Allow me to explain. A memory bubble can only be created by someone who know the target well, a close friend, or simply family. When they cast the spell, a bubble will appear, with dark mist swirling on the inside. The bubble then travels to find the intended target. There are two ways a bubble can effect its target. One was is that the bubble is popped by itself on the targets skin, and the target will be thrown into a memory that the caster of the spell has cast. The memory could be good or bad. Once the memory is finished, the person will return back to there normal state of mind. But if the target pops the memory bubble, it is much worse. The target will still be thrown into the memory, but it will be thrown into an everlasting loop, playing the memory over and over again. The only way to being them back is to wipe the bubble stains off there finger before it is dried up. This magic has caused quite a few people to go insane. One of the few way to defuse a bubble is that if it pops on anything that is not its intended target. If my target was a sheep but the bubble pops on a cow before reaching the sheep, the cow and sheep will not be effected in anyway shape or form. Another way to defuse memory bubbles is if the creator decides to call off the bubble by either destroying it or calling out the targets name."

It's been a while since I had made one. Sure they make me feel queasy every time I make one. Sure they make me uncomfortable sending things to my sisters. But it makes Lady Jane happy.

So I decide: "Sure! It's been a while since I've done memory bubbles. Let's have some fun!"

Close your eyes.

Focus in your hands.

Feel the power drain from your mind.

Focus the tension together.

Open your mind.

Feel the power pulse through your finger tips.

I open my eye, and in my hand is a bubble, clouding with dark fog and sparks. Yep, I still had it.

Now... who's the victim?

I already did blueberry head and blondie bear. Teal-seal was missing... so that left..... who was it again? Oh yeah, Pink Stink. What was her name again? Wait, I got it.

I clasp my hands around the bubble and whisper Rainbow into it. It shimmers a slight pink tint, then leaves my hand and bops out through an open window.


The library door flung open and a very angry Lady Jane stood before it.

"Draco! There you are."

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