Chapter 13 - Perspective Shift

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I ignored her last words.

Or, at least, I tried to.

But somehow, her words managed to worm their way into my brain.

And I started to see things from a new perspective.

It was simple things at first; The way Lady Jane ignored my 'good morning's, how the monsters would subconsciously clear a path for me when I pass them in the hallways, to the way Lady Jane would only contact me when she needs something. Never just to talk.

And most importantly, I realized how nothing made me laugh like that night in Rainbow's cell. I want to talk to Philip so badly about that night, but I haven't been able to contact him since the night I betrayed him.

Even though I know Philip wouldn't want me to feel this way, I can't help but think that Lady Jane is keeping him extra close to her and trying to avoid us talking. Whenever I tiredly trudge up the stairs to the chambers' floor after a long day of training, Philip's room would always be dark. I would wait outside his door if I could, but there's always a monster conveniently roaming around that door.

I haven't gone down to see Rainbow since that night. Even though I know the monsters keeping her alive aren't bringing enough food down, and would often forget to bring food and water at all, I can't bear myself to go down and see her again.

Maybe because I don't want to see her pale, drained face. Maybe I don't want to be proven wrong.

Or maybe, I just don't want to walk down the stairs. There's an awful lot of steps.

(Sorry I think I totally just ruined the mood-)

"Draco!" A voice I've gone to know too well interrupted my train of thoughts. I looked up from where I was sitting at the top of the stairs leading down to the dungeon to see Lady Jane frowning down at me.

"What." I grumbled moodily, annoyed to be interrupted.

Her eyebrows shot up, and for a second I felt guilty and scared to have been so dismissal. But, then again, I don't care about her feelings anymore.

"Draco, do you need to talk? You've been acting very irritated lately. You know I'm always here to help."

Oh, now you want to talk?

"No, I'm good."

"Draco, honey, wh-"

"I'm going to go train." I cut her off, standing up and leaving her standing there, speechless.


I didn't go to training.

I went up to the library instead. I rifled through a few of the books stolen from Krewdom. Most of them were battle strategies, though there were a few random books like "Baking for the Dummies" and "101 Pranks for Revenge".

I picked up the pranks book and rifled through it. I didn't know the princesses pranked each other, though I guess now it makes sense. Each page was illustrated, subtitled with very simple, blocky words. I would assume this book is meant for little kids.

Something chunky falls out— a necklace. It's tangled, but the steel is still smooth and not rusty.

Wow, talk about high quality.

I lift the necklace to take a closer look. The pendant is a complicated series of lines interlocking with one another to form a crown. As I examine it, series of images tumbled through my mind; a woman wearing the necklace. Then the woman is seen with a man on the ground of a room, dead. A young girl with brown hair rushes forward to crouch beside the dead couple. Finally, an image of the necklace around the neck of the girl with brown hair. No, not an image— a memory.


Is this fate? Is the universe trying to tell me something? Do I even believe in fate?

I tuck the necklace on the inside of my jacket and place the books back on their shelf before leaving the library. 

I decide to check on Philip's room again, just to see if there's a chance he's in there.

His room is closed, but I can see the light peeking out from the bottom of the door.


As I twist open the door, I hear a concerning amount of rustling going on. A bang is heard, quickly followed by an "Ow!".

I open the door to see Philip rubbing his elbow.

"Oh, Draco, it's just you." He said, sounding relieved.

"I mean, I'm happy to see you too," I said, closing the door behind me. "What're you up to?"

"Nothing interesting. Just drawing."

"You draw?" I asked, interested. I walk to his small desk, but he moves to block me.

"You don't want to see. Trust me, you don't. It's honestly not very good. I was just sketching-"

I tase him, and he yowls like a cat.

I lift the book that was hurriedly put on top of the sketches.

The pages were filled with drawings of a girl with blue hair, each time with more detail added to look like Lunar at the end.

I whistle as Philip, face red, plops on his bed.

"Man, you've got it bad."

"Shut up."

"So what's your story?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

"That's the thing! I don't remember, and it's so annoying!" Philip growled, falling on his back.

"Do you want to go check?"

"Check where?"

"The Krewdom."

"What?" Philip asked, shocked, as he sits up and stares at me straight in the eyes.

"Nobody has to know! It would just be me and you! We'll just look around and come right back!" I said defensively, realizing how ridiculous my suggestion is.

Philip is silent for a while, but he finally opens his mouth again. "I think it should be just you. Someone has to cover you, and to make sure Lady Jane doesn't do anything to Rainbow."

"But... if anyone finds out I'm gone... you'll be the prime suspect."

Philip smiles. "Then don't let them find out."

"I'll be right back," I promise.

Philip nods. "You should leave now. The training classes got cancelled for these two days. I'll take care of Rainbow as best I could."

I gaze at him for a long moment. "Stay safe."

Philip laughs, "Stop being so goopy. Go!"

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