Chapter 12 - Liar Liar, Heart on Fire

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"Hey Rainbow."

My voice trails off near the end as I slid down onto the floor next to Rainbow. She looks at me with concerned eyes.

"I'm... sorry?"


I shake my head. I wasn't sure why I was sorry.

"Draco... can I touch you?"

I nod, thankful for her asking consent. Consent is important.

(It very much is, keep that in mind kids. Write it down or something XD

She grunts as she raises her arm and wraps it around me. The chains let out a low creak. It wasn't a very good hug, but it was the best we got.

I get up and undo one of the shackles, and she flashes me a smile of appreciation.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

"I should be the one asking you that."

She shrugs and tucks a lock of her pink hair behind an ear.

"I'm okay, you know? Your the one throwing yourself into battles and such... have you gotten your wounds checked over?"

I shake my head, my finger unconsciously tracing over a cut on my arm.

"Draco... you gotta get those looked at. Treated incorrectly or ignored... those can lead to bad things ya know?"

I look up at her, meeting her eyes. I noticed the dark circles under them, and how they seem to have lost some shine since the last time I was here.

"I'll get them looked at."


There is a small silence between us. It's uncomfortable... but at the same time it seems to wrap about me and shields me from anything.

Rainbow breaks this.

"Did you know that light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak."

My eyebrows shoot up, and I slightly shuffle away.

"Are you calling me dumb?"

"What? Oh no! Not you... someone else."


She hesitates, then takes a deep breath and looks me in the eyes.

"Jane Sparrowheart."

Jane Sparrowheart? Who was that? Did I know them? They shared the same first name as...


"Did you just call Lady Jane dumb?"

She winks at me, and sticks her tongue out. Surprisingly... I laugh.

I laugh.

Off the top of my mind, something rolls off my tongue. Without consulting my Brain first.

"It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally."

"What the heck is a kelptomani?"

"Kleptomaniac. It's a thing that makes you wanna steal things even if ya don't need it."

"Oh... OH."

We continue making bad jokes or... puns, as my sister calls it, to each other.

"Will glass coffins be a success? Remains to be seen."

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