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Finally, I had arrived as I brought down the aircraft carefully. Looking down at my watch it was clearly no longer active as the signal had died. Being back here now brought back memories I'd like to forget. Before getting out of the aircraft I put on my coat knowing it was going to freezing. Taking a deep breath, I exited the vehicle looking around as it was clear how alone I was now. I begin walking down the snowy terrain as now I had no direction.


Blood poured down on the ground as I slowly looked to the floor seeing my hands shake. They were all dead now. Looking up you could only see bodies of the infected laying on the ground. Taking a deep breath I stood up as a weird feeling of pride was entering my body. Stepping over the bodies one by one you could barely see the ground now due to the blood and corpses. A smirk rushed on my face as I begin laughing a bit. The laughing became louder as I fell to the ground landing on the bodies. Slowly a tear rolled down my cheek as the laughing continued. All of this loneliness was causing me to lose my mind.

End of Flashback

Snapping back into it I realized a small village was up ahead. It looked to be abandoned for the most part,but it wouldn't hurt to check. Pulling out my binoculars I looked around the village stopping when I saw a shadow run past a building. Shaking my head I put the binoculars away before jumping down off the small ledge I was standing on. A feeling of uneasiness rushed over my body as I crept closer. I'm not sure what it was,but this place had something wrong about it. Slowly I opened the back door to a cabin immediately rushed with a terrible smell. Whoever or whatever was here had gone rotten long ago probably at the beginning. Creeping around I took a peak out the front window seeing this village had been well kept together,and not a single infected in sight. Smiling a bit I lowered my guard as it was clearly safe if nothing had come rushing out yet. "I always wondered what the log cabin life was like," I said to myself as I looked around. Entering another room I walked over to a closet opening the curtain as suddenly a bullet shot out right next to me. I saw a man holding a gun,and quickly disarmed him aiming the gun at him. "They are going to kill you. They killed everyone else!" he yelled out before falling to the ground. He was a elder man who had clearly seen a fair amount of death. "Don't worry a airborne cure will clear the infected in the long run," I said as he shook his head. "Not the dead ones," he said as I heard a bunch of banging on the roof. I handed him back his gun taking out my own hand gun aiming it above us. "You must hide or they will kill..." the old man said before a hand reached down and dragged him through the ceiling. "No!" I yelled out as I went to grab him,but barely missed his leg. A bunch of growls could be heard out making it sound like a army of dogs was outside. Cracking my neck I stormed over to the front door kicking it open. My eyes widened seeing a bunch of what looked to be wolf people hybrids. "Come on boys," I said before walking out even further as they all just stood there. Aiming my gun at one caused another to howl at as they seemed to not want to attack. Suddenly one ran out me as I rolled out of the way with ease before opening fire on him. They all begin to growl getting closer as I realized this wasn't good. "Fuck," I said to myself before beginning to run. I had no clue where to go or what to do as I could hear them howling and chasing after me. Running into a cabin I slammed the door shut behind me,but one punch it's arm through. It wrapped its arms around my neck as I punched its other arm in. I dropped my gun as I had one option left. Shaking my head a bit I bite its arm taking a chunk out as it let go. Quickly spitting it out I grabbed my gun running out the back door. I didn't see any of them as I jumped over the fence running into another building. Now you could hear them outside as I turned seeing a ladder. Running up the ladder they broke in as I crawled up getting on the roof. I stumbled back a bit as one was already up there waiting. Grabbing my knife I tossed the gun down before falling to my back. It ran at me as I slid down off the roof landing on my back. Coughing a bit I looked up seeing I was surrounded,but now they didn't move. The sound of horses galloping could be heard as I turned my head seeing a couple of those things riding horses over to me. Scooting back a bit I took a deep breath knowing this was going to be the end of me. Things couldn't get worse is what I thought before hearing a loud roar come from my left. Turning my head I saw one of these things,but about ten feet taller and carrying a giant hammer. It jumped off the roof landing in front of me causing me to fall on my back once again. Looking up it looked down at me growling as I got a close look at the beast. All I could feel was fear when it looked up towards a castle in the distance. It roared out as the other creatures begin running towards the castle with it. I snapped out of it as I looked down seeing during the fall I somehow landed on my knife. It was sticking into my side luckily missing anything important. I'm not sure what that fucking creature was or where it came from,but I know I have to avoid it.

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