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Wincing in pain I pulled knife quickly out of my side as it had to be done. Immediately I placed a rag on it tying it against the wound with some medical tape. I'm glad I took that bag before I left. Raising up to my feet I stumbled a bit as I looked up at the castle. Chances are whatever I was looking to kill was going to be in that castle, and now they knew I was out here. Every step brought pain to the blade wound as I knew I had to keep going.


Blood covered my face as I looked down in horror seeing what I had done. "I...I didn't.." was all I could say as I stood up a tear running down my face. All I could taste was blood,and all I could hear was their screams. I had just given in to the infection. Innocent people died because..I ate them. How could I ever go back to Claire or Becky after doing something like this? One of these people saved my life back there from that pile of corpses,and I fucking ate them.

—Flashback End—

Shaking my head I had to try and forget those memories as that wasn't me. Stumbling forward the figure of a person could be seen in a window up ahead. The cold made it harder to see as the windows were all covered in ice. "Hello," I said waving my hand in the air as I walked up to the house trying to peak in the window. My mind must've been playing tricks on me as the house looked to be dead empty. Turning around I saw a small woman who was wearing a black robe and holding some sort of ritual stick. "Hmm Alice Abernathy I knew it would be a matter of time before you arrived," she said in a raspy tone. "Excuse me?" I asked hearing ahead called me Alice Abernathy. "How do you know my full name?" I said putting my hand on my holstered gun. "It's alright dear. You are here seeking meaning. Normal life back at home wasn't working,so you came here seeking to regain some purpose," she said reading me like a book. "What's in that castle?" I asked nodding towards it causing her to chuckle. "Of course it's the lady of the land and her daughters. Mother Miranda perished once a while ago after you released that anti-virus," she said as I shook my head. "That's impossible. The anti-virus hasn't even finished all of North America," I said. "Trust me dear I know what I'm talking about," she said as she begin walking away. "Where are you going?" I yelled out at here as she chuckled. "We have different paths," she said as I shook my head turning to face the castle. Whoever this Lady is I'm gonna guess she is the one I have to kill. The long walk begin as I stumbled forward knowing I may not make it. Deciding to use my brain I headed into one of the houses looking for anything useful. I picked up a green bottle which after reading appeared to be some sort of medicine. It said not to drink meaning you'd likely pour it on the wound. Sighing I sat down lifting up my shirt after taking the cork out of the top of it. Putting my coat sleeve in my mouth I poured the liquid on the wound,but it didn't sting or anything. Shaking my head I looked down seeing the wound had stopped bleeding. Laughing I set the bottle down on the table before something hit me in the back of the head knocking me out. I'm not sure how much time passed when I woke up seeing a room full of weird people. A little doll demon thing was looking right at me causing me to smirk. "Oh she's awake!" it yelled out before going over to a rather large chair which faced away from me. "Come on Dimitrescu let's get this over with," a man who was holding some weird weapon in his arms said. "Heisenberg show some patience. I shall decide her fate whether it's death by my hand or whomever else's,"a feminine voice form the large chair. I begin to laugh as Heisenberg walked over looking at me. "What's so fucking funny?" he said in a clearly agitated tone. "I'm going to kill all of you," I said as suddenly the woman in the chair rose up. My eyes widened seeing she must have been over nine feet in height. "You shall not speak unless spoken to my dear," she said before nodded to Heisenberg who stood me up. "Let her play your game," she said as he chuckled a bit as he begin counting down. The werewolf creatures begin jumping down getting closer. "Run girl!" he yelled at me as immediately I ran over to the corner of the room jumping down a hole I saw after he stood me up. Sliding down I bumped on a rock causing me to cut my head open when it hit the wall. Landing on my back I looked up the hole seeing nothing had followed me down. Slowly I got up stumbling forward as I no weapons or anything useful anymore. Whatever this was, it was fucked up. Dimitrescu seemed like she was going to be the real problem out of the lot. Clearly she was mutated from some virus as she wasn't human. All I know now is that I have to escape from this place,but first I have to kill them all. "Let's have some fun," I heard Heisenberg yell out as I walked into a big open area. "Fuck me," I said to myself as a huge log with spikes in it came crashing down. Shaking my head I begin to run as it was catching up fast when I saw the wall was nothing but a dead end. I hit the wall slamming against any part I could when right before the log crashed against me I found a door. "You may have escaped for now,but in the end you're fucked!" Heisenberg yelled out to me as I smirked feeling that adrenaline I missed.

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