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"I knew you'd be headed here soon," The Duke said as I chuckled seeing him. "You know I have to ask. Who the fuck are you and how do you keep finding me?" I asked sick of this shit. "You should watch your language. Lady Dimitrescu won't take kindly to such foul language," he said chuckling. "Do you have anything useful for me? A gun or even a blade?" I asked as he shook his head. "I only sell for those who can trade or have money," he said as I sighed. "What can I get for this?" I asked smirking as I tossed Heisenberg's head at him. He caught the head laughing a bit "My oh my. This is a true treasure. A head of one of the lords will get you this," he said tossing my two revolvers and a box of bullets. "Pleasure doing business,and once I kill this bitch you can have her head as well," I said as he nodded. Looking at the door to the castle I chuckled to myself before kicking the door open. "Knock knock," I said keeping my new guns holstered. The house was fancy I'll give her that,but everything was also breakable. Smirking I shoved a vase off the stand shattering it. "Oh my fair lady," I said flipping the table in the center of the room over as I begin to hear laughter. "Come on out you overgrown bitch," I said kicking another vase off its stand when a swarm of bugs flew into the room. Coughing I begin to swat them away as they begin to turn into people. It was three women who were all hiding sickles. Two of them swung the sickles into the backs of my legs as I yelled in pain. "Come on mother is waiting," one said laughing as they begin to drag me across the floor. They laughed like psychos as a they drug me into a dark room only lit by a fire. "Mother we've brought you a gift," the bug girl with blonde hair said. "Alice Abernathy, how lovely of you to join us," the Lady said standing up which really gave me a chance to see how gigantic she was. She was taller then the nemesis that was for sure. Gritting my teeth I looked up at her as she nodded to her daughters who forced me to my feet. "If you were one of those gross man things I'd have you killed right here,but I want to thank you," she said smirking. "You...want to thank me?" I asked through the pain as she laughed out. "Of course. Without you I wouldn't have this power Mother Miranda gave to me before she died. However it seems you've managed to kill the other lords which simply won't do. In fact I should have your head on a silver platter," she said smirking. "However I have been needing a new host for my experiments,so you'll live for now," she said nodding to her daughters. "Wait...before you take me off to wherever I have one thing to say to you," I said chuckling a bit. "Speak up then," the Lady said looking down at me while keeping her chin held high. "All this..the castle,the girls,and'll all burn down when I'm done," I said smirking as the Lady clearly grew angry. "Enough! Take her away now," she demanded as I winced in pain as the daughters begin to drag me away. Turning a corner my head smacked against a wall knocking me out.


I got out of the helicopter smirking as it felt good to be back in America. Cracking my knuckles I took out my handgun shooting a infected one in the head. "Come on out boys," I said as a bunch of infected popped out from their hiding holes. "You all have gotten slower," I said to the dead as they begin running at me. After killing them all I begin to walk away from the scene before looking back at the helicopter. "Don't worry one day I'll be back," I said to it before beginning to walk away once again. My main goal was to stop Umbrella while looking for Claire.

End Of Flashback

Waking up I winced a bit as I sat up realizing I was in some sort of jail cell. The first thing I noticed was I had both my hands back now. I'm not sure how,but I was thankful for it. "Anyone down here or just me?" I called out not getting any response. It was probably for the best that I was down here alone or so I thought as I turned to see a dead body. Kneeling down next to the body I searched it pockets before finding his wallet. "Ethan Winters...I'm sorry this happened to you," I said closing his eyes. The body had been here a while,but I wonder if this was the guy who sent me the video. I put his wallet back as it wasn't that much used to me. Searching the rest of his body I didn't find anything except for a picture of a woman and a baby. It must have been his wife and kid,but I was going to guess they were gone now. "Don't worry. I'll avenge you and your family," I said standing up. Looking around I wasn't seeing a clear way out of here until I noticed a hole under the bed after a rat crawled through it. "Must be my lucky day," I said smirking as I shook my head crawling through the hole only to be in another cell,but luckily for me the door was wide open. Walking out of the cell I was just now in a corridor that was only a few cells and doors at both ends. I walked to my left not seeing anything of note in the cells besides for skeletons and a man who had hung himself. Leaning against the door I didn't hear anything besides the sound of dripping. Slowly peaking into the door the dripping turned out to be nothing but a barrel dripping blood. It all made sense now I wasn't fighting normal women. I was fighting vampires.

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