I Miss You

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Rachel's Side

It has now been 1 month since grandma and grandpa left. I have not yet heard from them ever since they left! I miss them so much that I cry every night before I go to bed😪!!! We are all playing in the pool right now. (Riker, Rocky, Ratliff, Ross, Rydel, Ryland, and Rachel) just having fun and enjoying our selfs. It would be much better if we heard back from grandma to see how grandpa is doing. I go on the diving board and do a dive into the pool. Ever since auntie Rydel showed me how to swim, I can do so many things and there hasn't been that many accidents. I swam to the surface of the water and swam to the edge. Next up was daddy's turn. He did a double flip and then turned around then landed in the pool. I clapped my hands with everyone else. After daddy, auntie Rydel just spun around and landed in the water. Uncle Riker did a back flip and dove into the water as a landing. Uncle Ratliff did the chicken dance into the water. I giggled at that. Besides, who would do the chicken dance off of the diving board?... Oh wait, uncle Ratliff would. Uncle Rocky couldn't stop laughing when he went up there so he ended up doing a 360 while laughing. And least but not least, uncle Ryland tried to copy daddy but then ended up doing a belly flop.
"Well that worked" Uncle Ryland said. We all chuckled and did more tricks. For my next turn I did a flip and then spun around and dove in the water. We all played around and cheered each other on with doing tricks. It was all fun and games until Riker accidentally hit Rydel in the nose and gave her a bloody nose. Uncle Rocky ran inside of the house to get her a Kleenex while auntie Rydel walked over to a beach chair to sit down. I walked over to her while uncle Rocky passed her the Kleenex. Daddy sat down beside me.
"Are you alright Rydel" he asked. She nodded her head.
"Dad, you can go play with the others and I will stay here with auntie Rydel" I offered.
"Are you sure sweetie" he asked me reassuringly. I nodded my head and with that he got up and did a cannon ball into the water. I sat down with my favourite aunt because I only have one.😂 I put on my sunglasses and put in my head phones. I was listening to Pass Me By when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked over to my right and saw auntie Rydel motioning for me to take my head phones out. I took them out and made eye contact with her.
"Can I listen to your music with you" she asked.
"Of course" I responded. The music playlist went like this.
•Let's Not Be Alone Tonight
•Heart Made Up On You
•Easy Love
•Stay With Me
•Things Are Looking Up
•Cali Girls
•Austin and Ally Glee Club Mash Up
•Timeless (From Austin & Ally)
•Pass Me By
•Love Me Like That
•Ain't No Way We're Goin' Home
•Can't Do It Without You
•Not A Love Song
•Better Together
•A Billion Hits
•Double Take
•Na Na Na (The Summer Song)
•Its Me, Its You
•Heart Beat
•The Way That You Do
•Heard It On The Radio
•Break Down The Walls
•Crazy 4 U
•What Do I Have To Do?
There is a lot more songs but it might take a while. But you get what I mean about my songs. Auntie Rydel and I sang along to the songs really loudly and some times the boys would sing along with us. Or they would look at us weirdly. Either way. It was funny. Uncle Ryland took a video of all of us singing "we miss you Grandma and Grandpa" and we did tricks, fooling around, and having fun. After we were done that, we went inside and edited the video. Once we were done doing that like one hour later, we sent it to Grandma and Grandpa. We also posted it on Twitter and Vine for the world to see. We got a lot of comments saying, "The R5 Family misses you too Stormie and Mark" and other comments said "What??? What is going on here" Hahaha some people don't know what's going on here. Everybody was on their phones. Either making vines or checking out their Twitter. At the same time, we all got a text. It was from grandma. It said,

"Hi kids. Dad is alright and we will be flying out back home soon. The video you guys made was so amazing. We love you guys tons and miss you so much. We love you!!!💗💗💗"

Everybody cheered and replied saying "Love you too." The mail man came and delivered the paper. Ratliff went outside and picked up the mail. He scanned through it until he reached a bill. We all circled around him and watched him open it. Ratliff read out loud for all of us too hear.

"Dear Lynch Family,
You have not payed your taxes lately and they were due along time ago. If the taxes aren't paid before Tuesday, March 10th 2015, then you will be forced to move some where else.

Total Amount: $179 296.99"
"How are we going to come up with all of this money" Uncle Riker asked. Everybody shrugged and started to think.
"Umm how about we think of things that we could do and we jot them down on the white board" uncle Ratliff suggested. We agreed and auntie Rydel grabbed the white board and marker.
"How about a yard sale?" Uncle Rocky suggested. Dad jotted that down on the white board. I watched as he glided the marker across the board to spell the letters. I watched as he repeated what others said and thought to myself. "What would my life be like if I had never met these guys before?" I thought of an idea.
"How about we use some of the fans money that they send to us" I said. Everybody nodded and dad put that idea down. We came up with millions of ideas.
"Now to choose one" Dad said.
"Yea" we all muttered. We went through all of them and talked about how much money it would give us and how much progress we would make.
"How about this one? Wait no..." Uncle Ratliff said. "What about this one? Wait no... This one? Wait no... How about this one? Wait no... What about this one? Wait no... This one? Wait no..."
"Ok, let's not go through the ones that we can't do" Uncle Riker blurted out while running in front of uncle Ratliff. We all agreed on one. To get money, we are going to...

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