Sunday Funday

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Rikers Side
I heard Rocky yelling/playing video games in our room which obviously woke me.
"Bro, would you chill out! It's just a game haha." I said. Rocky looked at me then just rolled his eyes. The family I've got haha. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch. I pulled my phone out of my pyjama pants pocket, and started checking out Twitter. I posted a couple of random tweets and got a lot of responses in return. This one tweet popped up and it said, #SundayFunday @rikerR5 !! I love my fans, they know me so well haha. I opened up Spotify and went to my playlist. I put on Sunday Funday by New Beat Fund and played that on the speaker going through out the house. I started to sing to it and dance to the song. I did some slides here and there and added some moves that Ross and I would do on stage!! I had this strange feeling in my gut that something or someone was watching me. As the song ended, I spun around to the direction that I thought the "someone" was standing in. I ended up seeing Rachel standing there holding a camera up at me. She burst into a huge giggle fit. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. At the moment she was now laying on the ground, still laughing her head off, with tears streaming down her face from laughing so much. I picked her up and flung her over my shoulder as I headed upstairs to my room. I put her down on to my bed then started to tickle her.
"Ri-Riker, s-stop" she said in between laughs.
"After what you did, never!" I said as I tickled her harder. I watched as her face got red which caused me to laugh making me weaker and easier for her to get out of my grasp. I felt somebody come behind me and pull me away from Rachel. The next thing I knew, I was the one being tickled. But not by Rachel, by my youngest brother Ryland.
"Ry-Ryland, s-stop pl-please" I screamed which caused him to tickle me even harder causing me to laugh a lot louder and a lot more.
"I will never stop since you tickled my favourite niece." Ryland said. The door swung open and I turned my head towards the door still laughing my butt off.
"Ryland, hunny, what are you doing to your brother??" My mom asked him.
"His revenge is getting tickled by the tickle monster." He exclaimed. Rachel laughed at his statement. Our mother shook her head and came up with another question,
"And why may Riker deserve this??" She asked as Ryland continued to tickle me for what seems like forever.
"He tickled my favourite niece. I can't let him get away with it."
"Oh, well carry on then!" Mom said as the door shut.
"After what you just said, No!!" He chuckled as he turned his attention back to his game.
"ROSS!" I scream. He comes running down the hall and swings the door open.
"What's up??" He says as bursts into laughter.
"C-Can you h-help me??" I asked.
"Uncle Ryland, can you please stop tickling Uncle Riker??" Rachel asks. I feel Rylands hands release.
"Thank you." I say out of breath. "Alright guys, let's go do the beach stage. We've got a party of people to play for." I say as I signal everyone to get ready to perform.
After we're all in our outfits and have the stage set up, we walk onto the stage. Rachel watches us with our parents and Ryland on the side line of the stage. I slip on my guitar strap as I speak into the mic.
"What's up LA??" Everybody cheers and screams. "How are you??"
I get a couple responses with a lot more screams. "Incase you have never been to one of our shows and you are new to our music, we are R5!!" Rocky says as the fans screams roar through the sky. We do a couple Q and A's before the show.
"Alright, you in the purple with the bright yellow beanie," Ross calls out. "What's your question??"
"Will you marry me??" She asks Ross as she tosses him the ring. He looks at her, then at us, then at Rachel, then back to the girl.
"Heck yeah!!" He says. I hear the girl scream along with some other fans. I look over to my parents and brother and see them smiling and laughing. I look around to find Rachel running off. I look at my parents worriedly and then give me a questioning look. I slide off my guitar and run off stage. I pull Rylands arm causing him to run with me.
"Where are we going??" Ryland asks as he runs up beside me.
"We are going to find Rachel. She took of running with tears streaming down her face when Ross agreed to marrying that fan." I explain to him as I hear a door slam shut. We run over to that door and I twist the door knob but instantly stop.
"It's locked." I say.
"Rachel, can you let us in. Please." Ryland begs.  The door knob turns as the door opens to reveal a little girl standing there with tear stained cheeks. Ryland kneels down on one knee opens his arms up to Rachel. She runs to his arms and crys in his neck.
"Shh it's gonna be ok. Shh." Ryland immediately calms her down.
"I just don't like it how he said yes right off the bat. I mean, what if he doesn't care about me anymore Uncle Ryland?? I just don't want to loose my dad!!" She whispers.
"I know princess. If that ever does happen, which I'm sure it won't, but if it does happen, then you can always come to me. I will always be here for you Rachel. No matter what. If he doesn't act like a good father to you anymore, then I will be your new dad because you deserve to be loved and cared for. You are so sweet and kind, caring, smart, and beautiful. Nobody could ever forget about you and you deserve to be treated right." Ryland tells her. When things like this happen, he's got a real soft side. He has been there for Rachel for everything. Every soccer game Rachel has had, he went to. Every time she cried, he always calmed her down immediately and found a way to cheer her up instantly. He would honestly make an amazing Dad towards Rachel. Ryland picks her up off of the ground and walks back to the side line on the stage.
"Riker, you need to get back to your show." Ryland tells me. I nod and turn towards Rachel.
"Are you gonna be ok??" I ask her. She gives me a weak smile and nods her head slightly. I walk back on stage and slide my guitar back. The first song we play is "Pass Me By" Rachel's favourite.
After I walk back off stage, I see Rachel sleeping in Rylands arms. Ross walks up to Ryland and Rachel...
Ross's Side
I walk over to Ryland and see my daughter asleep in my youngest brothers arms.
"I can take her now Ryland. Thanks by the way. " I say as I try to reach for Rachel but instead Ryland speaks instead of passing her over to me.
"Ross, when you said "yes" to that girl about the whole proposal thing, Rachel got scared and ran off crying because she was worried that you were gonna forget about her and not care or love her anymore." He told me.
"Ryland, she's my daughter. I would always love and care for her no matter what. I... I love her and I can't loose her!" I say as tears run down my face.
"Ross, it's not me who you should be telling this too..." Ryland says as he passes Rachel over. "It's Rachel who you should be telling this too!!"

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