I hope this works out... Maybe?!?

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Ross's Side
To get money, we all agreed on singing at Rachel's old and terrible school that she went to when she was 5. But now she is 6 so I guess it was in the past. Calum wanted to help so he offered to do a kissing booth. Hahaha, the things that run through his mind. We are holding it tomorrow afternoon. It is free for all so who ever wants to come can join us. Rydel made some posters for us to hang up around Cali. She really likes to decorate things so we let her do that. On the poster she designed the R5 symbol in pink and silver gems, put a coloured picture up of us on the poster board, and wrote a small paragraph in really fancy letters saying,

"Come join R5 at the Roselina Elementary school. Doors open at 12:00. Price fee is $35 per ticket. You could win some R5 merchandise. Don't miss out on this big event. See you there"

Yup, that sounds so much like her and I think that we will raise a whole lot of money. Rocky came back downstairs from his from with 6 potato sacks.
"Umm Rocky, what are potato sacks doing here?" Ryland asked. He chuckled a bit and then responded.
"These "potato sacks" have fan mail in them. And who knows what fans out in them, there could be money in here too!" He exclaimed.
"Great idea Rocky. Let's check it out" Riker said. We dove through the bag and dumped out all of the letters and checked each one. I read a couple of them and I gotta tell you, these fans are amazing. They give us so much inspiration to write music. As I went through every letter, I counted how many I went through. I was curious to see about how many fans we have. I counted 406 letters that I went through. Only 406 fans. That's not a lot. Wait... maybe some of them can't send a letter to us because they don't know our address. All in all we got around $697 530.99! It helps but it's not the right amount that we need. I hope that this plan still works out.

Rikers Side
I am practicing my vocal warm ups when Rachel walks in.
"Hey kiddo, what's up?" I asked.
"Oh nothing much. Can I watch you do your vocal warm ups?" She asked. I could tell it in her eyes that she wanted to perform with us too. I think that it would be nice for her to sing with us. I mean her name starts with an "R", she is a Lynch, she has been with us for over one year, she knows us well, so I think she would fit right in.
"No I dont think you should Rachel." She started to walk away with tears in her eyes. "I don't want you to hear my vocals because I would rather you sing vocals and perform with us in R5"
"You really mean it" she asked.
"Does this look like I'm joking around with you" I asked pointing to my face and putting on a huge smile.
"Thank you so much uncle Riker" Rachel said to me.
"No problem kiddo. Now let's start with Crazy 4 U" I played the song on my phone and we sang along to the lyrics. She sounds amazing and completes our band. Welcome to R5 Rachel!!!

Rydels Side
I walked up to Rikers dressing room to get Rachel in her bright yellow and hot pink dress. There I saw Rachel and Riker both singing to our song "Loud". It is so cute!!! I waited until they finished the song before I interrupted them. The song ended,
"Rachel it is time to get your dress on"
"Rydel, Rachel has now joined R5 just to let you know" Riker filled me in with the details.
"Great now I don't have to be the only girl" I replied.
"Hahaha" Riker laughed.
"Ok Rachel, let's go get dressed now" I told her.
"Ok" Rachel stood up and we walked to my dressing room. (Known as the girls washroom) I got her into our matching dresses. We slipped them on and walked out to Ross.
"Hey girls. Looking good" Ross said as he twirled Rachel and I.
"Thanks" I replied. "Not to bad yourself"
He snickered and continued with the conversation.
"So Rachel, I heard you are the newest member in R5"
"Yeah. That's me" she said happily.
"There is going to be a lot of people here. Are you sure that you want to do this?" He asked. Rachel nodded.

Ross's Side
I was busy complimenting Rachel and Rydel on how their dresses looked and making sure that Rachel was alright performing with us when some fans walked up to us.
"Umm sorry guys but the doors don't open until 12:00" Rocky said.
"Oh we know but we wanted to ask you guys a question" one fan said.
"Alright. Let's hear it" Rydel said.
"Should you boys be over-protective of Rydel and Rachel." Another fan asked.
"Should we be???" I asked.
"I don't know" Rocky said.
"I don't think we really need to because there is usually 7 guys around them all the time so everybody that has a crush on Rydel or Rachel, know to back-off" I answered the question. The fans nodded their heads.
"One more thing, can we get a picture" a third fan asked.
"Sure" Rachel responded. "$20 for each photo and fan in the picture"
Wow, I didn't think that should would know what to do but once again, she proved me wrong. We all gathered around in a group. The fans took 10 photos each with 5 fans in each picture. That's $300!!! Ka-Ching I said in my head. After the fans left and gave us the money, I high fived Rachel.
"Rachel that was amazing!" I exclaimed.
"Thanks. I just wanted money and I know they wanted a lot of photos so yea" she said.
"Well it was still awesome" I said. I passed Riker the money and told him how we got it. After I explained that, we got the instruments all set up.
"5 minutes until open doors" one of the helpers yelled across the gym. Everybody hustled up on getting things ready. Before we even knew it we were up on stage with people invading the gym. Some fans screamed, some fans cried of excitement, some fans were freaking out, and some fans just had huge smiles on their faces. Everybody looked so happy and that just made me want to play my music for an even better cause then just to get money. I wanted to play music to share this gift with others. I looked over at Rachel and for the first time ever, I saw the biggest smile ever. She slowly looked over at me and mouthed the words "I love you daddy" I mouthed back the words, "i love you too" when I looked back over at the crowd, the whole gym was filled. There was absolutely no more room in the gym so people were standing outside just to hear us play our music. We have the best fans that anyone can wish for.
"What's up Cali" Riker yelled into the mic. All the fans screamed. "We got a big show coming up for you and a newest member to the band. Rachel Kai Lynch"
Everybody screamed even louder. Rachel waved to the fans.
"Thanks for having me. You guys are so amazing and I can't wait to get to share my gift with you. I hope you like it. Hit it Ratliff" Rachel yelled into her mic. Ratliff started to pound on the drums which got my heart pounding so fast. I got the feeling that this was going to be the best show yet. The first song we played was Loud. Then we just played different songs. Did cover ups. And had a blast. At the end of the show we played Best Day Of My Life by American Authors.
"Thanks for coming out tonight" I yelled into the mic. Everybody chanted R5 and Rachel, R5 and Rachel, R5 and Rachel over and over again. The guards started to clear everybody out of the gym as we took the money and started counting it.
"I got $974" I said
"I got $849" Ryland said
"I got $798" Rydel said
"I got $699" Ratliff said
"I got $999" Rachel said
"I got $978 + $300= $1278" Riker said
"I got $987" Rocky said
"So in total it is $7,282.52 including the fan mail" I said doing the math.
"Why don't we put in some of our tour money" Ratliff asked.
"Great idea baby" Rydel said.
"Ok so that should give us just enough" Rocky said
"Ok so from tour we have $172,014.48 so we should exactly enough" Riker said.
"Woo-hoo, we have enough money to save our house" Rachel screamed. We all did a massive hug and started to clean up this place and head home. I am so glad that we saved our house!!!

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