Locked Away

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This is an extra long chapter because I love all of you awesome people. If you haven't, check out the song "Locked Away by R. City ft. Adam Levine" it's really really good!!! Love Ya!!

Ross's Side
I carried Rachel to the dressing room sat down. I looked down at the sleeping 6 year old in my arms. I frowned at my self knowing that she cried herself to sleep because of me. Because I said yes to that proposal when I didn't even know the girl. I mean yeah she was hot, but I should of gotten to know her first. I reached for the box that had the ring in it and pulled it out of my pocket. I turned the box over and over in my hand. Examining the box. I flipped the box so it was upside down. There was a phone number written on the bottom of the box. I called that number and the other person on the other line picked up almost immediately.

"Hi this is Ross! Is this the girl that proposed to me at the concert today??"
"OMG!!! I didn't think that you would call me back. Yes I am that girl and my name is Juliet!"
"That's a really pretty name and I also like that name because it came from my favourite movie haha."
"I know, that's why I was really hoping that you would say yes because then I can be your Juliet."
"Man this is so cliche but I'm really digging it. Listen, I have a daughter, which is Rachel and she doesn't really like the fact that I said yes right off the bat. She would rather us get to know each other first and if we seem good together, then she promised that she would be cool with all of this!"
"Oh, well I would love to get to know you even more if that's even possible haha."
"I know right. My life is just an open book!"
"Pretty much. Do you wanna meet up at the park tomorrow?? Around 2:00??"
"Sure, sounds good. I'll see you then."
"Alright, see you then babe!"
"Hey, don't call me that just yet haha!"
"Yeah, that ain't gonna happen haha!"
"Aww man. Oh well haha."
"Lol. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye babe, love ya!!"
"Alright bye."

I hung up and slide my phone on to the table that's beside me. I put the box into my pocket again. I looked straight across the room and notice that there is a mirror right across from me. I smiled as I looked at Rachel and I through the mirror. I snapped a photo of us so I could remember this forever. I locked my phone and slide it back onto the table beside me. I closed my eyes and drifted off into a nice nap to clear my mind.
I woke up to feel someone moving around on my lap.
"Sorry, did I wake you??" Rachel asks.
"Yeah but it's alright princess. I needed to wake up soon anyways." I explained as she nodded. She leaned back down on to my chest as I tan my hand up and down her arm while she  nuzzled her face into my chest.
"Listen princess, I didn't mean to hurt you like that on stage. I feel so terrible because I made you cry and feel like you aren't safe around me anymore. I want you to know that if anything is bugging you, that you can come to me. If you need to goto one of your Uncles to get away from me for a bit, then I understand. I just want you to know that I am sorry, and I will love you no matter what. You will always be my princess. And if it makes you feel any better, I called that girl back and I told her that we have to meet each other first and see if we are good with each other. And if we are, then I was hoping that you were gonna be cool about it. Could you do that for me??"
She nods her head. "I want you to be happy Dad! I really do, but if you want to marry someone then I guess I shouldn't say that you can't. It's what you want and I can't hold you back from marrying someone forever. Because someday, I'm gonna end up marrying someone and I don't want you to be mad or upset about it. I would want you to be happy and proud of me."
"I will always be proud of you, Rachel! I will always smile when I think of you and I will always do my best to give you anything that you want. I will always love you and you will always be my little girl and most of all, you'll always be my princess!"
"I love you too Dad! Never forget that no matter what happens!" I nod as I hug her tightly. Tears flow down my cheeks as I think of how much she has grown up since the first day I met her. She will always have my heart and her smile will always warm up my heart and make my day. She will always be my princess and I will always love her no matter what I say. I will always try to be there for her and try to catch her every time she falls. I will try to make her smile instead of watching her cry. I will be there for her when she is scared. I will spend every minute of everyday that I have free with her. Teach her the good and bad of the world and watch as she explores what life has to bring. I want to watch as my little Princess grows up. Be there when she needs me. I want to be there for all of the important things to her. I want to be there for her!! I want to be there with her.

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