The Meeting

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Victoria Andersen

"Bye Ms. Andersen." My students say as they exit the classroom. I pack up my belongings and head on out to head to the next classroom to teach. But before I got to my destination, someone bumped into me, causing me to drop my lesson for today and worksheets.

"Oh goodness, my apologies. I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Again, I'm-" the guy kept rambling so I cut him off.

"It's okay, stop apologizing. I'm not hurt, it was just a small altercation, it happens." I assured him as he helps pick my stuff up. He hands me my papers and I thank him.

"Uhm I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. Y-you don't have to call me D-doctor, Spencer is fine or Reid. Whichever you're comfortable with." He stutters out. He's cute.

"I'm Victoria Anderson

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"I'm Victoria Anderson. Victoria is just fine." I said as I stick my hand out for him to shake, but he just looks at my hand so I retract.

"I'm sorry, I don't shake hands. It's a.. germ thing." I nodded.

"Are you a teacher here? I haven't seen you around. I would've remember a face like yours." I told him. Real smooth.

His face is flushed with crimson red on his cheeks.

"No, actually my colleague and I are guest speakers for the AVID class."

"Guest speakers, huh? You must be important. We don't get much guest speakers around here. Who do you work for, the president?" I joked, but I don't think he got that.

"No, but I do work for the government. I'm in the FBI, I work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico."

"A profiler, impressive." I smiled at him. He gives me a small smile and continues to stare. Is he profiling me or checking me out?

"Well Spencer, I hate to cut our conversation short, but I have a class full of students that's waiting on me." He steps out of my way and I start to walk away, he tried talking to me again, but I didn't pay attention because I had to get to my class.

Spencer Reid

"You think I should open up with a joke?" I asked Rossi.

"No." He said.

"Why? My jokes are funny." I rebutted.

"Kid, I'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible. It's not laugh worthy."

I was taken back by what he said and then someone bumped into me. I turned around and see a woman on the ground picking up her papers so I kneeled down and helped her.

"Oh goodness, my apologies. I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Again, I'm-" I was rambling and she stopped me from talking further.

"Uhm I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. Y-you don't have to call me D-doctor, Spencer is fine or Reid. Whichever you're comfortable with." I stuttered out. What is wrong with me?

"I'm Victoria Andersen. Victoria is just fine." She sticks her hand out, waiting for me to shake it, but she notices my body language and takes her hand back.

"I'm sorry, I don't shake hands. It's a.. germ thing." God, I should've shake her hand. She probably thinks I'm weird.

She asked me if I'm a teacher here and I explained to her my reason of being at the school.

"A profiler? Impressive." She says. She must be smart to know about the job.

I continue staring a her. She's really beautiful. I would be caught dead ever dating her. Totally out of my league.

She brings me back to reality.

"I have a class full of students that's waiting on me." She says and I moved out of the way so she can pass by.

"I'll see you soon." I said, but she wasn't paying attention. See you soon? How? You didn't exchange numbers. Stupid.

"She's pretty. You should ask her out." Rossi says, scaring me.


"Come on kid, when was the last time you went out on a date? And it doesn't count when you're at home by yourself reading a book."

"Rossi, I don't think you understand this, but I'm an awkward guy who sticks his nose into books and in my work. I could barely talk to her just now, so what makes you think I'll have the courage to ask her out? Have you seen her?"

"Yes I have, and if I may recall, she got a good look at you so I think the feeling is mutual." He says as the teacher calls us in the classroom. He steps in and I wait for a second, thinking about her.

Maybe I should ask her out, what's the worst that could happen.


"How was it?" Derek asked us as Rossi and I walked through the door.

"Same old. Talking to kids about their career choices and scaring them with what we do. But Spencer here, is admired by one of the teachers at the school." Rossi replies as everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

"Okay pretty boy, get some. What's her name? Was it love at first sight? Did you tell her one of your smart Alec jokes?" Morgan says, teasing me.

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Oh come on Spence give us something. Is she pretty?" JJ said. I shook my head at them.

"No comment."


"Oh yeah, she's a looker." Rossi says walking to his office and they all smirk at me.

"Who's a looker? What are we talking about?" Garcia says as she's walking up to us.

"Pretty boy met a lady friend at the school." Morgan told her and she gasp.

"Oh my god this is so exciting! Did you ask her out? What's she like? Is she pretty? Of course she is if you think she's cute-" I cut Garcia off.

"Guys, it was just a one time thing. We talked for a brief moment and that's it. She was running late to her class and I didn't get her number. Now are we done here?"

"Come on Spencer, live a little. You need some action and be more social with people other than us. Go back to the school and ask her out." Emily advises me.

I give it a thought.

"What if she rejects me?" I said to her. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Then it's her lost." She said.

"We have a case." Hotch says, walking to the briefing room. Everyone started walking up the stairs and I follow behind.

I guess I'll have to wait for now.

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