A New Case

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Spencer Reid

It's been at least a week since Victoria and I's argument. She hasn't return any of my calls or texts, I'm worried about her. I hope she's okay. I go by her apartment and see if she'll answer, but she doesn't. But I know she's in there because I press my ear against the door and I hear the TV on. I hope we can resolve our conflict and things will go back to how they were before, I really miss her. It's killing me.

I'm sitting at my desk at work, just staring into space with my thoughts when Morgan shook my shoulder.

"Reid.. kid." He said. I look up at him.

"What?" I asked. He pointed towards the briefing room.

"We got a case." He said to me. I got up and headed in there and everyone was already seated as Garcia started talking about the case.

"Okay, I hope you guys are prepared for what you're about to see.." She said, but I wasn't paying much attention. My mind went back to Victoria.

I miss her. I didn't mean to argue with her the way I did, I was shocked at myself. I'm not one to shout or yell at anyone and yet I did to my girlfriend.

"Wheels up in 30." I heard hotch say, but I was still consumed with my thoughts.

"Reid." jj shook my shoulder. I looked up at her and stood up as I notice we're the only people in the room.

"Let's head to the jet." She told me and I nodded.

"Reid, is everything okay?" Morgan asked me as I walk up to my desk, grabbing my to-go back. There's no point in trying to lie.

"Victoria and I got into an argument last week and she hasn't talk to me since and I don't even know if we're together still. I've been trying to reach her, but she hasn't returned my calls." I told him.

Yes, the team knows about Victoria. Not much, just her name and her occupation. They haven't met her yet, but I know they do.

"Kid, maybe she just needs her space and time. She'll come around eventually." He assured me, patting my shoulder as we head on out.


"What do we know Garcia?" Hotch says as we're all in the jet debriefing.

"So, Sage and Geoffrey Brennan were both shot and killed in their home last night." Garcia replied.

"Who contacted the police?" Rossi asked.

"That would be their son, Samuel Brennan. Him and his brother were at the movies at the time and got home and seen their parents already dead on scene."

"How old are the boys?" Emily said.

"Samuel is 22 and their other son Jared is 18."

"How come the neighbors didn't call in?" I asked her.

"No one suspected it since it's beverly hills and no crime ever happens in their neck of the woods."

"Any witnesses?" Morgan said.

"No, but in the police report it said that they suspected it to be a mafia hit."

"What were the Brennan's occupations?" Hotch said.

"Mom was a house wife and dad is an excecutive producer for some really popular movies and I mean popular."

"And where are the sons now?" jj said.

"Currently staying with their aunt and uncle."

"Garcia, one more thing-" Hotch said, but Garcia cut him off.

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