Asking for Her Hand

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One Year Later

Spencer Reid

Its been a year since I've met Victoria's brothers for the first time. Since then, we all stay in contact. They put me on their visitors list now and they've written me letters here and there. I feel like I'm part of their family and I'm loving it. Victoria and I have visited them around 3-4 times after the first meeting and I'm so reluctant that I could get off work and experience this with Vic.

Right now, I'm in California standing in front of the prison, without Victoria. I told her that I'm out working on a case and I won't be back for a couple of days and thank god she believed me! The one time I lied, it actually worked. I told my team to lay low and if they somehow see Victoria in public to not let her notice them. Sometimes she makes surprise visits at the office to see Garcia, but I told her that she's following us on the case as well.

I sign in at the front of the prison before stepping to the visitation area. I sat at an empty table and waited for Vic's brothers to come through the doors. My leg starts bouncing up and down, getting nervous.

I don't know if I can go through with this, but I'm gonna try and get the words out.

I wave at Erik and Lyle awkwardly as they come strolling in my direction and they realize that Vic isn't here.

"Spencer, what's going on? Where's Vic?" Erik asked as we all sat down.

"Did you guys break up? Are you fighting?" Lyle said so fast.

"No, everything's fine. We're doing good." I reassured them and they took a breath of relief.

"Not to sound rude, but why are you here?"

"Yeah, does she know that you're here?" Erik said and I shook my head.

"She doesn't actually, she thinks I'm working on a case right now." My hands started sweating.

"Uhm.. I-I'm actually h-here to ask you guys s-something." I started to stutter.

"Spencer, man what is it?" Lyle said.

"You're nervous, it must be something important." Erik replied second.

"Well, we've been dating for a year and a half now and I don't see myself with anyone, but her. Of course we've had some ups and downs, but we work through it together. I love her so much and I'm grateful that you guys accepted me into your family. I feel so welcomed and I can't lose the bond I have with you both."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I wanna marry your sister and I wanted to know if I have your guys blessing?" I finally confessed to the both of them and they just looked at me.

"Of course man. We wouldn't want anyone else to marry our sister, except you. You guys are perfect for each other and I see the way she looks at you when you're together, pure love." Erik says and pats my shoulder.

"I know I've been acting so cold with you and putting up the 'big brother' front, but that's only because she's my baby sister and I don't want her to fall into the wrong hands and be with someone that's not right for her. But the times that I've spent with you and the way my sister looks at you and the way you look at her, I can tell it's pure love. So yes, you have my blessing." Lyle told me and I felt relieved.

"Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. I'm gonna try my best to get you guys out for the day so you can walk her down the aisle. Since, you know.." They nodded, understanding what I was saying, I didn't wanna say it.

"That would be great!" Erik said. I checked the time and realize that I have to stop at one more place, so I let Erik and Lyle know that I have to leave and we shared a bro hug.


I place the bouquet of flowers in the vase and took the old ones out. I sat in front of the grave for a little bit before I started talking.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Menendez, my name is Spencer reid. I don't know if you remember me the last time, but I'm Victoria's boyfriend. We've visited you both about 2-3 times in the last year or so. Victoria isn't with me this time around, its just me. I told her that I'm out working a case, but I'm actually here to tell you both that I'm gonna marry your daughter. She's such and amazing, bright young woman and I love her so much that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. We've been through so much and done so much things together that I don't see myself doing any of those things with anyone else, but her. I just wanted to tell you guys so you know what's going on in her life. I mean I know you probably know since you're watching her from up above, but I wanted to be a formal, respectful gentleman and let you both know, since I can't do it in person. Another thing I wanted to ask is, if there's a way you could attend our wedding, spiritually. I want her to feel your guys presence there, since you can't be with us formally, given the circumstances. I'm trying to get your sons out for a day so they can walk her down the aisle and I know that what your sons did was unforgiveable, but it would be nice if you all were there on Victoria's special day, as a family. Well, I have to go now, I hope you heard what I said, and I hope to see you there." I said to the headstone.

I got up and head to my car, but stopped. I see flower petals floating in the air. I remember Vic told me one time that when she sees flower petals in the air, she says its her mom visiting her or in her presence somewhere.

So I look around the cemetery and I swear I see her mom and dads spirit next to a tree, looking at me and waving. I waved back at them and smiled.

I turned back to the direction of my car and walked up to it. But before I went in, I looked back at the tree and I see no one there.

Maybe I'm just seeing things.

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