Be My Girlfriend?

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Spencer Reid

Today we had no active cases, so it's paperwork day here at the office. I'm currently one file away from being done for the day, when my phone began to ring.

"This is Dr. Spencer Reid." I said into the phone, not bothering to look at the caller ID.

"Wow, so proper and professional Dr. Reid." I hear Victoria speak from the other end and I laughed.

"Sorry, I didn't look to see who was calling." I replied back.

"It's fine, how's work going?" She asked.

"Honestly, not too bad. We have no case today, so we're just catching up on paperwork today. Are you back in Virginia?"

"Yes, and that's why I'm calling. I wanted to see if you would like to get dinner with me? Well, actually I do owe you a home cooked meal. So what do you say?" I smiled and replied.

"I would gladly accept your invitation. Since, I mean you do owe me." She laughed in the other end.

"That, I do. And I do apologize for skipping out of town so sudden, I just had things to take care of." She said. I'm curious to know what that was, but I don't want to pry into her business.

"Give me about 45 minutes to an hour and I'll be at your place in no time." I told her as I open up the last file on my desk.

"Alright, Dr. Reid. Dinner will be done by the time you get here."

"Sounds good, may I ask what's on the menu for tonight?"

"You're a profiler, use that to your advantage." She said before she hung up. I began to finish up the last case file hurridly, and rushed to Hotch's office and placed it on his desk.

"Woah, pretty Ricky, slow down. What's the hurry?" Morgan says to me, as I'm gathering my messenger bag and packing my books up.

"Nothing that concerns you Morgan." I said trying to leave, but he blocks my way.

"Cmon now, who is she?" He asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I blantly lied to him. I'm not a good liar, plus we're all profilers, it's pretty hard to keep things hidden here.

"Reid, you're not the best liar. Out with it, who is this mystery woman that you're hiding from me and the team? I see the way you've been lately, and you can't tell me that it's your books that's giving you a pep in your step."

"Fine. Remember when Rossi and I went to the school as guest speakers and I accidentally bumped into that girl?" His eyes widen.

"Oh, shit. So you actually got her number? Okay, my boy got game." He said all happy, which created a crowd around us, which consisted of Emily, jj, and Garcia.

"What are we celebrating here?" Garcia asked Morgan. I rolled my eyes and tried to leave again, but Morgan held me back.

"Woah woah woah, you're not going anywhere yet pretty boy." He said to me.

"I actually do, I'm late for dinner." I replied and the girls looked at me questionably.

"With who?" jj asked.

"No one-" Morgan butted in.

"Pretty boy and that teacher have a little thing going on."

"What? That's exciting Spencer. So when you do we get to meet her?" Emily said.

"Never. Actually, I like to keep my personal and professional life separate." I told her.

"Cmon Spence, you can't keep her a secret forever." jj said.

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