The Kiss

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Victoria Andersen

It's been about four days since Spencer and I's first date. Since then, he's been working on a case and has not come back yet. He calls me from time to time when he's free to talk and not busy working.

He doesn't know when he's gonna be coming back, so he constantly apologizes about leaving and having little time to talk to me, but I tell him not to worry and that his job comes first.

I really do understand where he's coming from since I have a job myself and I barely have time to myself since I have to teach during the day and at night I'm planning lessons to teach or grading papers or making tests/quizzes for my class.

"Alright class, essays on my desk before you leave. Have a good day." I said to my students as the bell rung and everyone gathered their binders and left one by one, handing in their homework.

I sat at my desk and began grading the essays. As I get to the third students essay, my phone began to ring, I answered it without checking the caller ID.


"You have a collect call from Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility for inmate, Erik Menendez. Say yes if you would like to accept this call."

"Yes." I said through the phone and then I hear my brothers voice.


"Hi bubba." I said, crying. My brother could hear me from the other end.

"Oh, no don't cry sis. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time, I know you have to teach."

"No, you didn't. It's my free period, so you called at the right time. How are you? How's Lyle?"

"I'm good, Lyle's good. What about you? We haven't heard from you since the last letter. I just wanted to check up on you and see if everythings okay."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I received your guys letters, but haven't gotten around to reading them. I've been busy with grading papers and planning out new lessons for my class. It's almost the end of the school year also, so I have to come up with one last project for my students and then finals."

"That's good to hear sis, just don't overwork yourself though. You do need to give yourself a break sometime."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"So how's that friend of yours?" He said, I can feel the smirk on his face.

"He's good."

"How did your guys date go?"

"It was great, I had a fun time with him. We mainly talked the whole time, you know, just getting to know each other. But he did ask about mom and dad."

"Did you tell him?"

"You know I couldn't. It was our first date, I didn't wanna scare him off. But I eventually will, he's real sweet and I see something in him that makes me certain that he'll accept me, flaws and all.. I hope."

"You know that Lyle and I don't care if you tell this guy or not about us or our past, we understand. We just want you to be happy since it's hard for you to find someone to open up to and have somone to talk to besides us. But, if you do decide to tell him and he runs off, then he's not worth it. But judging by the way to talk about him, he seems like a good candidate for you. And I hope in the future, we get to meet him and I just hope he treats you right."

"Thanks Erik, that really means a lot."

"You guys going out anytime soon?"

"Right now, our second date is on hold because he got called into work and he's currently in another state working on a case and doesn't know a specfic time on when he's gonna be back."

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