First Date (2)

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Victoria Andersen

I got home at around 4:55pm. I had about 2hrs till my date with Spencer. God, what do I wear? It's too early to worry about that.

I head downstairs of my apartment complex and check my mail. Just junk mail and bills as I skim through it. And then I come across two letters from my brothers. I head upstairs to my apartment and open up Erik's first.

To my loving sister Vicky,

Hey sis, how are things? Lyle and I hope you're doing well. We miss you everyday, there's not a day that goes by that we don't stop thinking about you. How's teaching going? I'm hoping your students aren't giving you too much trouble. Anyone new/special in your life? If you do, he better make sure he treats you right before I get my chance at him. I'm joking sis, but seriously if you are seeing anyone I hope he's taking care of you. You deserve the world, since Lyle and I couldn't give it to you. I wanted to tell you that I got married to the girl I told you about in my previous letters. I love her so much, I just can't believe the amount of love she has for me. I know what you're thinking and I know I should give myself credit and to not dumb myself down despite where I am and that I deserve to be happy. It's crazy to even think that I met a girl who loves me even though I'm in prison for the decisions I've made in life. She loves me, regardless. Lyle has met someone too, I'm not sure if he's gonna marry her yet, but he seems happy. I hope one day when we get out of here, if we ever do, that you can meet my wife. I've told her about you and she seems to like you and she's hoping to meet you. Maybe when you come visit, she can come too. Anyways, it's lights out. Lyle and I are sending our love to you.

Xoxo Erik

I put his letter back in the envelope then open Lyle's.

Dear Victoria,

How are you? I'm gonna keep this letter short since it's almost lights out in prison. I hope you're doing good. Erik and I miss you a lot and can't wait to see you soon. I wanted to let you know that I met this girl. She was my penpal at first and then she started visiting me in here and she's great. I'm thinking of marrying her, but it's too soon to tell since we only been seeing each other for a couple of months. Did Erik tell you that he got married? I'm happy for him. Whenever he talks about his wife, he's delighted with joy. Any boyfriend yet? I know you're a bookworm and you only focus on your work, but you gotta do stuff for yourself too. Get out there and date. Just make sure he treats you good or else he's gonna have to hear it from me. I love you sis. Write back soon.


I fold the letter up and slip it back in the envelope. I sit on my couch and cry for a bit. I miss my brothers so much. I hope they get approve for an appeal, they've been turned down couple times already.

I stand up and head in to my office and start writing a letter back to Erik.

My dearest Bubba,

I'm doing good. I miss you both and hope you guys are doing good and staying safe in prison. How are you mentally? I hope those dark thoughts of yours are no longer clouding your mind. I think about you both non stop and I always try to think and find a way to help you guys get out of there. Teaching is going great actually. My students are amazing and cause me no trouble. I think it's because I'm so invested in them and I pay attention to them and their needs and I'm not so hard on them. I'm not like those cranky old lady teachers that yells at her students and doesn't care about them. And as for dating, I got asked out on a date today by this guy. He's a profiler for the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. His name is Spencer Reid, and he was a guest speaker for one of the classes at the school the other day.We bumped into each other in the hall and I had drop my stuff on the floor and he helped me pick it up. And then today he stopped by at the school while I was working and asked me out. We're going out for coffee tonight and I'll let you know how it goes in the next letter I send you. I'm so happy that you and Lyle have found happiness, despite the circumstances between the two of you. I want you both to be and stay happy. I hope I do get to meet your wife and Lyle's potential girlfriend/wife one day. I really hope we all can come together and be a big happy family. Well I gotta get ready for my date, I'm quite nervous. I love you dearly.


I fold up the letter and put it in the envelope and seal it up. I write down the addresses and move on to Lyle's letter.


I'm doing just fine. I miss you both equally and yes I read Erik's letter and he notified me about his wife. I'm very happy that you both found someone besides me that you look forward to seeing. I'm hoping that the next time I visit you both, that I get to meet the lucky ladies that stole my brothers heart. And boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend... yet. I'm kidding, well maybe. I've met someone recently and he's taking me out for coffee in about an hour. So we'll see how that goes and if it turns into anything more than just a coffee date. I'm not saying sex on the first date, I mean we'll see if we go on more dates and eventually become anything more. It's too early to know, but what I do know is that based off his stature and the body language he had in our first encounter, he's very devoted in his work and his success. He doesn't flaunt it, but he's very proud of how far he's come in life so far. He seems humble, and he seems shy and to himself, somewhat like me and I think why this might go somewhere. I gotta take off and get ready. I told Erik more about him, so when you get the chance you can ask him about the guy.

Stay safe,


I stick the letter in the envelope and seal it up too. I check the time and I have time to drop them off at the post office so I did. As I drove back home, I realize I have about half an hour to get ready for my date. I still don't know what I'm gonna wear. We're going out for coffee, do I dress casual or how I would dress for work?

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