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Dare: I dare son GOHAN and lesly to have a kid then rub it in yamcha s face that he has no kids!

Admin: *nervous* Gohan I have some news...

Gohan: Hm? What is it?

Admin: I'm...*pause* I'm...pregnant!!

Gohan:*eyes wide* What?! Really!?! Hurray I'm gonna be a dad!!! *jumps in joy* YAY!!! *hugs her*

Admin: *smiles* I'm glad your happy!! *hugs him back*

~ Months later~  (Btw were 17 now.)

Doctor: *yelling* PUSH!!!

Admin: *on hospital bed and yells back* DON'T RUSH ME!! CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING?!!




Admin: *pushes* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

~ They hear a baby cry~

Nurse: Its a girl!

Gohan: It is?? My daughter! Can I hold her?

Nurse: Mother first. *hands newborn to admin*

Admin: *holds baby* She's so adorable! *cuddles with her* My little Gohara! *kisses her cheek*

Gohan: *smiles* she looks just like her mother

Admin: *smiles back* She looks more like her father though...*sees Doctor leaving* (thinks: I'll get my revenge...)

~ Later at home ~

Goku: So is Gohara a saiyan also?

Admin: Yeah. She's 3/4 Saiyan which is pretty good! Almost full saiyan!

Goku: Whoa...

Gohan: -_- She's more saiyan than I am!

Admin: *laughs*

Gohara: WAAAAAA!!!!! *cries*

Admin: Aw it's okay Gohara! *rocks her chair thingy*

Gohara: WAAAAAA!!!

(Older) Goten: Lesly-Chan here's your dare. *hands her dare*

Admin: Dare? Right now? I'm busy!!

Goten: *shrugs* Not my problem

Admin:*mumbles*  I miss my Mini-Goku. I'll wish you back don't worry..,

Goten: What?

Admin: Nothing! *takes dare and reads it* Eh!? Well I already had a the first parts done. Now for Yamcha...

Gohan: *uses baby voice* Does little Gohara want cookies? *gives her cookie*

Gohara: *giggles* Da-Da!! *eats cookie*

Gohan: So cute...

Admin: *tears form*

~ Later with Yamcha at Kame House~

Yamcha: ...and I told her: "no babe I'm taken"

Krillin: Is this a true story Yamcha? Or are you just making this up?

Yamcha: Uh...well...

Krillin:*sips soda* Thought so

Admin: Hey guys!! *carries Gohara*

Gohan: Hi Yamcha and Krillin

Krillin: Oh kami not them...

Admin: *smirks* So...Yamcha!!! *walks over to Yamcha still holding Gohara* Wanna carry Gohara?

Yamcha: Uh... Sure...

Admin: Too bad!! *walks over to Gohan*

Gohan: Hey Yamcha!! Sucks not having a girlfriend right?

Yamcha: -_-

Gohan: Your so old and yet you don't have any kids! *laughs*

Yamcha:*embarrassed* So? I can still-

Gohan: Even I have a kid and I'm only 17!!

Yamcha: ....

Admin: Whoop!! Shots fired!!!

Gohara: Shots fired!!

Admin: Eh!? You can talk already?

Gohara: Mommy like...cwookies!

Admin:*grins* Yes she does!!

Yamcha: NOT FAIR!!! I WANT A CHILD! *cries like a wimp*

Gohan: *sweatdrops* Uh...Yamcha...

Krillin: This is really unlike you...

Yamcha: I just...don't know what to do with my life anymore! I only have Puar! *bows head in shame* Even Vegeta has a better life than I do!!

Admin: True. You can keep sulking. Were gonna leave now. *leaves out the door with baby Gohara*

Gohan: Wait for me!! *goes after them*

Krillin: I'm glad I haven't been bothered by them. I heard they tortured Vegeta a lot...

Yamcha: *sniffs* I want a baby...

Bye keep asking or daring! ツ

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now