
428 18 23

Question: Do you hate Yamcha? Why does everyone hate him tho?

Admin:*plays need for speed with evil controller* MUHAHAHA!!! *crashes with an SUV*

Gohan:*eyes widen* Lesly calm down!! Look what you did to the SUV!! You sent it flying!!

Admin:*laughs crazily* I know!! Controller and I are good buddies!! Right controller?

Game Controller: Yes!!

Gohan: Controller? *looks at controller* It talks?

Admin: Psh yeah!! He's friends with Steve!! I'm gonna name controller...FLICKER!!

Game Controller: My name is Flicker?

Admin: Yep!! Flicker the controller!!

Gohan: -_- Couldn't you think of a better name?

Flicker: Don't question my master you book weirdo!!

Gohan:*raises eyebrow* Okay...

Flicker: That's right kid!! I can't believe master married you!!

Gohan: Look controller-

Flicker: Its FLICKER

Gohan:*sighs* Look 'Flicker' I'm married to her whether you like it or not. I'm a good husband-

Flicker: Who can't even win a single race in a video game *laughs*

Gohan:*eye twitches* Shut up-

Goten: *breaks through window* Lesly-chan!! Your dare-

Admin:*forgets about window and hugs Goten* GAH MINI-GOKU YOUR BACK!! THANK YOU NEKO-CHAN!!!

Goten: Les your hugging me too tight-

Admin: Sorry. *lets go of him* You were saying?

Goten: Gohan has a question...*hands her paper*

Admin: Whose it from? *reads* Crystal-chan!! *smiles* Hi Crystal!! *reads question* Ok Gohan here you go *hands him paper*

Goten: I'm just gonna...leave...*leaves*

Gohan:*takes it and reads it* Yamcha? I don't hate Yamcha. I've just been dared to act like I do but in reality he's one of my friends just like Krillin. Now according to Lesly-chan and other people, everyone hates Yamcha because he acts like he's strong and can beat anyone but in reality he's the weakest of us all. He tries to show off in a fight but then ends up losing. He also died a lot and had to be wished by the dragon balls a few times. Just like Vegeta.

Vegeta:*appears angry* What was that?

Admin: But Veggie didn't die a lot

Gohan: Oh hey Vegeta!! *laughs nervously*

Vegeta: Stupid boy *flys away*

Flicker: I agree. Stupid boy!

Gohan: *annoyed* Be quiet controller!

Flicker: *turns super saiyan* MY NAME IS FLICKER!!! *starts attacking Gohan*

Admin: Ya!! Um that's all!! (Thinks: This is so messed up!)

Gohan:*gets pushed out the window* OW!!

Admin: Continue asking or daring! Bye! ♥

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now