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I dare gohan to eat frog legs for a snack

Admin: *eats ramen* Mmm this is the best ramen ever!!

Goku: You said it! *eats quickly*

Vegeta: *growls* Someone get me some egg rolls!  

Waitress: Hey there handsome *batts eyes at Veggie*

Vegeta: *looks at her* Get. Me. Egg. Rolls. Now. Woman!!

Waitress: *blushes* Right away sir. *leaves to get egg rolls*

Admin: *notices* Hm...hey Veggie-

Vegeta: *scowls* Don't call me that!

Admin: *rolls eyes* I'm just warning you: Be careful!

Vegeta: *annoyed* Careful of what?

Gohan: *walks up to their table* Hey guys! *looks at food* What's the occasion?

Admin: *blurts out* It's Goku Day!!

Gohan: *scratches back of head* What?

Goku: *muffles something*

Gohan: Huh?

Admin: It's Goku Day! You know...a day dedicated to your father! Well technically it was on May 9th but we can still celebrate!

Gohan: Oh! *smiles* I see! That's cool!

Goku: People are nice these days!

Vegeta: Where are those damn egg rolls!?

Waitress: Here you are sir *hands him the food*

Gohan: So can I join?

Admin: Sure- wait!! *takes paper out of purse* Waitress! Please have this done for Mr. Son here! *winks at Gohan*

Gohan: *blushes* What?

Waitress: *reads dare* Hm...right away ma'am!

~ Later!! ~

Waitress: Your food sir. *sets frog legs on his table*

Gohan: *looks at it in disgust* Gross!

Goku: Oh those look delicious!

Vegeta: What the hell are you saying Kakarot!? Those look disgusting!

Goku: *shrugs* I eat anything! *frowns* Unless it's hospital food...

Gohan: *looks at there food* Man what I would give to eat ramen...

~ Later!! Again!! ~

Admin: *looks over at Gohan's table* Where's Gohan?

Goku: Oh he said he had to run to the bathroom and *muffles rest*

Admin: And what?

Vegeta: *chokes on egg rolls*

Goku: whoa up *eats more food*

Admin: Eh?

Goku: *swallows food* throw up

Admin: *eyes widen* EH!? Oh no G-Gohan! *leaves and goes to look for him*

Vegeta: *looks up* Get that camera out of my face!

Cameraman: Sorry! *films Goku instead* And...CUT!

Hey guys! Lol I wasn't joking about Goku Day btw...happy late Goku Day!! Oh and I'm working on everyone's dare so don't think I won't do your because I will I promise, just give me more time!! Welp anyways bye!! 

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