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I dare Gohan to Cook something blind folded and hi hi lesly-chan

Gohan: *eats cookies and watches Lesly*

Gohara:*throws Flicker on the floor*

Admin: *furious* GOHARA!! NO AND NO! BAD GIRL!!

Gohara: *whines* But mommy-

Admin: No butts! No more cookies until you say sorry to Flicker!



Gohara:*stops* Okay...Gohara is sowwy Ficker

Flicker: Its Flicker-


Flicker: *stays back* Nevermind...

Gohan: *laughs* Gohara is a lot like you Les

Admin: Hm? Oh yeah I guess...*smiles* She is my daughter and will be taught by me...

Flicker: Master aren't you forgetting something?

Admin: Hm? What could I possibly...Oof!! I forgot!! *runs over to purse* Gohan you got a dare!! *takes paper and hands it to Gohan*

Gohan: I do? All right. *reads it* Cook...I can make-

Admin:*blindfolds him* Good luck! *pushes him into the kitchen*

Gohara: Ooo is Daddy gonna cook?

Admin: Yup.

Gohan: I can't see- *touches wall* Where is the refrigerator? *touches the oven* No that's not it...*finds refrigerator and opens it* Aha!! *takes something out* Now to...*finds microwave and puts it in*

Admin: Smooth move Gohan but you have to punch in the right numbers!!

Gohan: That's easy! *uses energy to sense the numbers* Ok I got it! *punches in numbers*

Admin: *rolls eyes* Did you really need to do that?

Gohan: *shrugs*

Gohara: What this?! *grabs a capsule*

Admin: GOHARA! Don't touch that! Those are my capsules!! *tries to take it away from her*

Gohara: Hm? *presses button and an album appears* Ooo is that Dad? *points to a pic*

Admin:*face turns red* Give me that! *takes book and turns it back into a capsule*

Gohan: What are you hiding? *takes blindfold off*

Admin: Eh? *laughs nervously* Nothing! *puts capsule in pocket*

~ Beep Beep ~

Gohan: Oh look! Food's done! *takes food out of refrigerator* What food did I choose- *opens microwave to see mac and cheese*

Gohara: Yay!! Mac and cheese!

Admin: Easy to make!!

Flicker: Master wanna play with me again?

Admin: Nah maybe later! I'm tired I need-

Steve: A chair?

Flicker: Steve! Buddy!

Admin: Ack! *jumps* What are you doing here!?

Steve: Well I just came to visit you guys! You know since were friends...

Gohan: Chair! *hugs chair*

Admin: No thanks! *kicks chair out of thr house*

Flicker: That wasn't very nice master

Gohan: Yeah what Flicker said

Admin: -_- I don't care!! That thing needs to go back where it came from! *coughs* Crystal *coughs* So yeah!! Let's end this dare!

Gohara: Bye bye!

Gohan: Bye!

Flicker: Bye

Admin: Adíos! ♥

Ask or Dare Son Gohan {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now