自由 。free ; amanene

324 7 6

as free as a butterfly .
you roam with a smile .
now , let me cross the line .

love at first sight . sounds too dumb . feeling something as deep and vague , a feeling with such unbelievable depth , skim right through you with a simple sight of a being you've only met then and there , is too foolish to be acceptable within the mind of one who can't even comprehend love to begin with .

how do you know that those feelings would last forever ? that you'd yearn for that person whenever ? that you'd vow upon heaven and earth that you'd remain by their side until you have the breathe you call your last ?

love at first sight isn't something one should devote their whole interest in romance to .

appearance is not all that builds a person .

their first impression is simply the prologue of a whole story that creates their whole existence .

you can't decide that you love them with a simple prolouge , but at the same time , no one really have such full control over their hearts .

"Your Highness , we are to head out ." a voice low and almost like a whisper , but owned volume enough for the one being called , to decipher .

eyes that resembles those pretty overripe mangoes that have fallen down it's tree . you expect it to be sweet , but it's evidently rotten .

"Mkay ." lashes dipped below and rose high as he blinked to look forward again , holding unto the horse , his gloved hand felt numb .

given yet again , a job he'd rather not partake in , he scoffs , awfully reminded of how pathetic he is when it comes to matters regarding his father .

travelling to a certain kingdom , after a whole 6 hours ride in a wobbly carriage , that gave him headaches that he wouldn't like to feel anymore . a pain not exchanged with any pleasure is not worth the effort .

why even bother deal with such small territory when their Imperial family can bring it's end with a simple order .

he rolls his eyes as he knew that it's not like he can do anything now that they're headed there . adding salt to the bitter , deep wound he got with how he easily rendered under one's decree .

putting his thoughts aside , the journey there was quickened , with the help of the gallops of the four legged animals they have been conveniently provided with .

they had left the said horses on some place in the forest and decided to travel further on feet . as from their team have been told , the person they came here for , is quite the eerie lady .

she walks around the village of her Kingdom for no reason , just waltzing about . she's said to like interacting with her people . her parents approves of her acts as it can be considered her exercise and it expands her social skills , even if it's just with commoners .

a cloak as dark as the night sky , covered his body whole , within a matter of seconds , draping so beautifully , hiding everything that can help anyone distinguish his identity .

him and his knights have spread out .

it shouldn't be that hard . he thought to himself as he walks around the village himself . shoving the fact that she is merely the second princess , she is still a part of this kingdom's family .

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