静けさ 。 hush ; amanene

297 7 15

nights of brimming undead ,
we hid beneath flimsy sheds ,
containing our lack of meds .

"Erm , are we safe now ?" his question barely succeeded to be heard as he panted across breaths both heavy and cold .  and the said other he had been running with from one spot to another whom is more to be considered , tired , just nodded with low hisses , suffering from the drip of blood seeping from a fresh wound .

she heaves air as if to compensate for those that she had lost , quickly making haste with her lips that were feeling numb from the freezing air conditioner of this once paradise-like sanctuary . "Yeah , most probably ."

he shuffles to prop himself to where she had found herself all limp , aiding to raise her arm that had been bleeding for quite the minutes , that may be counted as dozens or that doubled . "Tsk , this prolly bad Yashiro , it looks kinda deep ." his slang is of words were quite the usual now when she had heard it since the start of their very days of needing support in the act of walking .

her silence brought by her continuous stare at his face that she's been finding awfully fair these past few weeks had gotten to her once again despite the awful situation bestowed upon them . "Now I really think it's a good thing I risked my life there at the drug store ."

in a world that's been contaminated by the undead , it's a must that many are experiencing massive dread . many had died , some ways ; like being eaten , committing suicide from the feeling of hopelessness , and most being turned into zombies themselves .

it's great and all that she and this guy along with his twin brother was able to escape with a few of their pals in college but it sure is hard when they're the one in charge of refilling their stacks .

it's still a miracle even now that they were able to survive and are still counting their time here on earth , breathing and are alive , they even reached 4 months , still desperately trying to contact both government and any other reinforcements but nothing seems to get hooked by their luck that probably had already been drained with them actually being able to not have despicable hunger for flesh of their own kind .

it's only a matter of time until they actually run out of everything and has to go out to go somewhere else .

this mere thought and the fact that had intoxicated everyone's mind that their families are already zombified or have been eaten alive , seen by their own eyes , had left them with little to none will to live as of now .

surprisingly so , the two yugi and yashiro herself doesn't really have a family to worry about to begin with .

just a pair with another being lucky enough to get into college having risen from their very supportive orphanage . 

thus why they've been heavily close ever since .

"Oof , that's a ton of blood alright ." she couldn't second guess whether he was concerned when his words were gravely swallowed with the sudden urges to hurl out the tiny bit of whatever he could eat for dinner . nevertheless she could care less as she hissed even more as soon as a cloth soaked with disinfectant met the slit in her pale arm .

being injured during a mission is the biggest burden . though she couldn't feel as guilty as she wish she could when the guy she's with successfully finds way to make a joke out of it . often whispering about how it's alright and that he doesn't mind at all , telling her so much more than what she should be hearing .

soon enough he had started rummaging through his bag just a tad bit darker than his hair , it looking old and ragged , blood-splashed and overall dirty doesn't affect it's convenience of being able to hold all the disinfectants and other medical whatnots that caused their separation from the younger yugi .

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