失敗 。mistake ; amanene

423 16 168

request by ; CharlotteGaswint !

tell me why  i still love you so
despite how you jokingly say no
hey, i wish you never greeted, hello

In this world where love is such a big deal that the sky cries for those that has not yet found the person that they'll spend their whole life with-in other words, their soulmate-a certain man with pretty yet lifeless amber eyes, looks down his notes with a gaze filled with nothing but boredom.

How boring. He wondered to himself as he palms his cheek and stared at the scene before him, the same usual, noisy classmates that he had no idea whose names were. His usual friends are off for a week due to being all reckless and violent.

He considered if he should just skip class as usual but knew that his brother might do the same thing the next day so he just sighs to himself and doodled some shit he had no idea what even meant, it never had any meaning to begin with, nothing in this world had any meaning, lol, no, that's dumb.

He just never tried to sought for those said meanings and prefers to leave everything as something that he'll try to understand soon, but would never really come back to it.

He's the type of guy that easily gives up on everything, tiresome things should be left alone, avoid tiring yourself, just chill and go with the flow.

Yes, he is pretty laid back, meaning, he also rarely gives a damn about most things.

He never found anything worth his time, other than the stars that usually enchants his inner curiosity, but during the day, he's just plain old Amane, with dull eyes that could seriously leave you thinking that you should fuck off.

As said, other than stars, and a few more things, he leaves others on hold, or more like, discontinued. One of those things, was this shitty feeling called, rainhalt.

You might have read the annoying crap this weirdass author added in the beginning of this plot that they thought of while obnoxiously singing love story by taylor swift.

The sky, cries for those who have not yet found the love of their life.

And no, that doesn't mean like, it rains forever until every human being on earth has a loved one, it only means that, the sound of raining, would never leave u, until u find that unknown someone.

And Amane is one of the maybe many, maybe few that still have the sound of rain, up in their head, and may be the soundtrack in their ears until they meet their soulmate.

This may sound sad and all, but living with this said sound in him for so long, Amane basically grew accustomed to it. He isn't gonna lie, at times he wished it would just disappear, but having to deal with such things as love, and love for a real person at that, isn't something he's up for.

Soon his daydreaming stopped.

A few of his classmates aren't there at school for the said rainhalt, an event that occurs once a week, where they head to the plaza and people that are desperately searching for their soulmate, to rid of the sound of the rain that kept ringing in their ears, go.

This event is something the school allows, as they wish for the students to find their soulmate early for them to have a great life.

You never know, maybe there, they'd see the person that they are destined to be with, also searching for them.

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