New Biginnings

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The underlined text is there thoughts. Also I hope it is good. 😁🤞

Ravens POV)


I was woken up by a loud beebing from my alarm clock. It was 7:00 am and I still had an hour and a half until I had to go to school. I hate having to wake myself up. I live alone no parents, no siblings, and no roommates. So I've always had to fend for myself, well almost always. My mom died when I was very little, and I never really knew my dad. I've only ever seen him once and we've never talked. So after my mom died her friends thought it would be best if I went to live with them. And it was nice living with them but after a while I felt that I was ready to start living by myself. Sure I was only 14 at the time, but I was very mature for my age. And besides they agreed. So then we parted ways and I was headed of to live on my own.

I live in a decent one bedroom apartment that was petty close to my soon to be school. I've lived in this apartment for a about a year not thinking about or wanting to attend school. But i guess that it would just be to boring to sit at home all day and do nothing for a second year in a row. I've heard that the school Im going to was a nice but I've never been, and I'm not one to trust peoples judgment so I don't really know. Some people say it's for "special kids".

I didn't think I was very "special". I did think I was quite strange though. Ever since I moved out to live on my own weird things keep happening to me. Like things not being where I left them, or me waking up in a different place than I fell asleep in, or even small objects flying around the room when I'm upset.


But anyway. As I got up I turned off my alarm clock and turned on my light. I noticed that some of the things in my room were scattered across the floor not where I left them. But I pushed that aside because I had to get ready for school. I made my way to my bedroom door making sure not to step on any of the scattered items, and slowly made my way to the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom I looked in the mirror I was a short gray skinned girl with dark purple wavy hair that went to the middle of my neck. I didn't think that I was exceptionally beautiful but I didn't think that I was ugly either. But as far back as I could remember my mom always told me that I was the most beautiful girl in the world.

But I pulled myself out of my thoughts remembering that I should hurry so that I'm not late, it was already 7:35 and I started school at 8:30. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair, as I started to make my way back to my room to change. I didn't have a lot of clothes considering that I spend most of my money on bills, but I had enough. After a little bit of thinking I decided to wear some black ripped jeans with a blue short sleeve shirt and a black jacket over it, nothing to fancy. But as I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:15 and it would take me about ten minutes to walk to school I decided to just throw on my Doc Martens and get on my mary way. As I was heading out I grabbed my back pack, phone, and keys. And practically sprinted to lock the door and head out the house.

As I was nearing the end of my walk I stoped. I stood there in surprise, as I gazed at the school. It was a huge black colored building with several marble pillars that had to be at least 50 feet tall. I got this vibe like it was magical or something. But I pushed it off. And as I walked in I saw a black spiky haired boy enter right before I did. And I thought to myself It's time for me to have a new beginning.

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