Figured out

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(Third Person POV)

"Speak of the devil" said cyborg pointing to the lunch room doors. The hive five had just entered the lunch room and they were heading straight towards there table. "Oh no" Robin muttered under his breath. "Oh look what we have hear" Jinx said as her and the rest of the hive five approached their table. "A whole bunch of pit sniffers" said Gizmo. "What does that even mean" said Cyborg. "Shut it tin man" Mammoth chimed in. "So what's your team name? The looser squad." Gizmo spat regaining everyone's attention. "No were the the... the Teen Titans" BeastBoy said thinking of a name off the top of his head. When did we agree on that Raven and Robin thought. Oh that name is the glorious. Starfire thought. "So are you Teen Titans ready to get your buts kicked." Gizmo continued. "Yea I think we should start where we left off." Said mammoth clenching his fists and looking at Raven.

Jinx made the first hit punching Robin square in the face. Then see-more tried to shoot StarFire with some sort of beam but she dodged it. Then mammoth punched Raven so hard in the face that it made her nose bleed. Damn that hurt. She thought.

But then something really unexpected happened. A green tiger pounced on mammoth. Is that Gar? the Teen Titans thought. At this point all of the students in the lunch room were staring at the fight, and the Hive Five was loosing. Star had gotten a few hits on Jinx, Cy took down gizmo and Robin got a few hits on see-more. "Oh crud let's get out a here." Shouted Gizmo. And at that the Hive Five ran out of the lunch room.

Then the green tiger turned back into a human. Turns out it was Garfield. "Woah" Cyborg and Robin said. "Amazing" said Star. Raven didn't say anything she was just trying to stop the blood from her nose. "Are you okay Raven" BeastBoy said walking over to her. "Yea Im fine" she responded. After everyone settled down the Teen Titans sat back down at there table.

"Hey Raven why didn't you use your powers" Robin asked her. "I didn't want to risk hurting anybody" she responded. "Well your going to have to sooner or later... use your powers that is." Cyborg commented. "Yes I believe friends Cyborg and Robin are the correct. After all practice makes the perfect does it not." Star smiled. "Yea I guess it does" Raven murmured. Then the team stoped talking for a second and Raven took this as a chance to get another napkin for her nose. But as she went to wipe the blood away it was already gone. What happened? Did I heal myself? She thought to herself. "So is your nose okay Rae" BeastBoy said trying to break the silence. "It's Raven, and yea. I think I healed it. But enough about me, how did you turn into a tiger Gar?"she said. "Oh so you can call me Gar but I can't call you RaeRae?" He questioned. Raven rolled her eyes in response wanting to get an answer. "Yea dude that was cool" Said Cyborg. "Huh well I don't really know. I just felt really angry then I felt a whole bunch of energy surging through me and I just did it." He shrugged. And with that the bell rang. It was time for them to get back to class.  "Well see you guys after school. Oh and BeastBoy I like that team name" Robin said. BeastBoy just smiled "Yea see you later Titans". And everyone waved goodbye.

Sorry it took me a while to update I just didn't really know how to continue the story. 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2022 ⏰

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