First Days

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(Ravens POV)

I got called down to the principles office after accidentally throwing BeastBoy down the hall way, and I am terrified. What just happened? Why did i do that? How did I do that? Why was i hearing people's thought? II reach the Principals door, and am hesitant to knock, but I just decide to get it over with.


"Come in Rachel." the principal said as I proceeded to walk in. "So I saw that you threw one of our new students down the hall way today. And on your first day." said the principal with a huff. "I apologize I didn't mea-" "I know you didn't mean to Rachel, and your not in trouble. I just wanted to know if you were ok." The principle said cutting me off. "Yes Im fine." Why does everyone keep asking me that? "Well that's good to hear. But I have heard about you Rachel. About the power that lives inside you." "What do you mean the power that lives inside me." "I mean what I said. You have great powers that aren't exactly under your control." "I don't get what you mean I don't have powers." "Well if you don't have powers tell me this, has anything ever happened to you that was odd or strange. Such as having thoughts that aren't your own, or things moving by themselves." I sat there for a moment thinking. All these things have happened to me. But I would have never thought that I had powers. I just thought that they were coincidences. "Well" the principal said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yes."

(BeastBoys POV)

I was laying on the hallway floor in pain. One second I had my arm around Raven and the next she threw down the hallway. All I heard was yelling , then I heard the intercom calling Raven to the office. I hope she's not in trouble. I didn't mean to upset her. I was feeling dizzy and couldn't really see. I wasn't paying attention to anything until I felt someone shake me. My eyes regained focus and I saw that it was Cyborg with Robin and StarFire standing at his left and right side. "Oh please tell me that you are the ok friend BeastBoy." Star said looking distraught. "I'm fine Star." I say before she crushes me in a hug. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted her." Robin says as Star let's me go. "We shouldn't have trusted who" I say in confusion still a bit wobbly. "Raven" "What are you crazy that was my fault I was just getting on her nerves." "No it wasn't, she could have seriously hurt you." Robin practically yelled. "Just shut the up you don't know what your talking about." I scream back at him. "Hey guys maybe we should talk about this somewhere else" Cyborg whispered as people were starting to stare. "Yes please no more the mean talking" Star chimed in.

Time skip
(Ravens POV)

I was walking out of the principals office still trying to comprehend what she said to me when I saw Star, BeastBoy, Cyborg, and Robin. (Robin and BeastBoy somehow made up.) But before I could say anything StarFire gave me a bone crushing hug and said "Are you the okay friend Raven." "Yea Im fine are you guys. And BeastBoy I'm rea-" "It's okay, I'm fine" BeastBoy said cutting me off. "Well anyway school ended a little while ago, so do you guys want to go hang out or something." BeastBoy said looking around to see if anybody said yes. "Totally" Cyborg said Cheerfully. "Oh that would be wondrous" Star smiled. Robin nodded. But I said "I don't know" "Come on it will be fun" BeastBoy reassured me. "Fine" I say as all of us left the school. What an interesting first day.

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