New Choices

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(Cyborgs POV)


I groaned not wanting to get up as the alarm on my phone was ringing. But then I realized that it was my first day of school so I thought it would be best for me to start getting ready. I arose from my bed making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. And as I was brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror, I was a tall black boy who was also half robot and had no hair. This is going to be interesting I thought to myself as I finished brushing my teeth. I am good looking but I think that it would be difficult to make friends if they know that I am part robot and all. "Hurry up Vic you don't want to be late do you." My dad says as he walks past the bathroom. So I quickly wash my face and make my way back to my room to change.

I lived with my dad in a middle class house that was about thirty minutes away from my new school. I live a pretty happy life I guess, except for the fact that I was in a terrible accident last year and my dad had to replace half my body with robot parts.

Anyway, I was back in my room picking out an outfit. I stood there for a minute and then ended up putting on some black jeans with a blue hoodie and some Jordons. "Come on it's 8:00 we have to get going." My dad yelled from the kitchen. I had my license so I could drive myself to school but my dad really wanted to be there so I just let him drive me. I grabbed my phone and books and made my way to the door with my dad.

Once I made it to school my dad hugged me and said "have a good day Victor". "You too" I said back as I got out of the car and he drove away. I got there just in time to see two people walking to the building. There was a tall girl with long pink hair, and a tallish boy with green hair and skin. Maybe I could make friends with them they look strange. I started walking to the school as I gazed at the big building and the people headed tords it. I think it's time for me to make some new choices.

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