Chapter 10-Joseph

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I admit it, I'm an asshole for what I did, but it wasn't my fault, it was technically the drink's fault. I said some shitty things to her that she didn't deserve to hear. Seeing her with that other guy was very sad for me. I understand if she can never forgive me, but I forgive her. Even though I was never mad at her in the first place. I still love her very much, she will always be the love of my life. I got drunk, I made out with my annoying ex-girlfriend, but nobody can beat Aquafina. Aquafina is different from other girls and I love that about her. Every "I love you" I said to her was true, she's my everything .

I went on Instagram and looked up her username, then I saw that she blocked me on it. I ran my hands through my hair and cried, "She fucking hates you, man, get yourself back together, you shitty bitch." I laid in bed crying my eyes out and flashbacks of Aquafina and I played in my head like a cassette tape.

I looked at the left side of my bed and said very sadly, "I love you, Aquafina. I never stopped. But you love him..." I suddenly had the greatest idea out of all ideas.

I went out of bed, put my shoes on, and headed to the nearest tattoo place. I said to the tattoo artist crying, "Give me a romantic tattoo of your choice with the name Aquafina on it. Please." The tattoo artist nodded and gave me a very romantic tattoo on my chest.

I looked at the tattoo and mumbled to myself, "I want you back in my life, Aquafina. Scratch that, I need you back in my life." I headed to the gym and tried getting more abs, I updated my wardrobe, got a lip piercing, both of my arms were filled with tattoos, I started smoking, and I dyed my hair red with a side shave.

On my way home, I suddenly saw Aquafina's new guy in front of me and I glared at him, "Look what we've got here. Aquafina's ex-boyfriend and her new boyfriend." He threw me on the cement harshly, "Call me Anthony, bitch." I whimpered in pain and Anthony laughed, "That's what you get for treating my girlfriend like shit." I stood up carefully and approached him, "Listen, it was all a misunderstanding." Anthony kicked me in the face and I started bleeding severely, "Too late now, side-shave. She's already with me." I growled at him and suddenly tackled him. Provoking him like that only caused us to get in an abrasive fight and say harsh words to eachother.

I limped my way home and decided to text Aquafina, although I knew she wouldn't respond, "Hey." I was patiently waiting for a response back from her, but she only left me on read. I sighed in agony and watched whatever was on TV.

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