Chapter 17

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Joseph was on his way to the police department, until his shirt collar was lifted up. Joseph was freaking out and looked up to see Anthony, "Holy shit." He tried escaping Anthony and running away, until Anthony threw him harshly on the ground and smirked, "You really had the audacity to think you could escape me? I'm sorry, man, but you're just a pathetic nobody."

Joseph started crying and pleaded to Anthony, "Please just let me go, man." Anthony hesitated then looked at the cliff below, smirking at Joseph, "You wanna be let go of?" Joseph nodded in mercy and Anthony lifted him up to the edge of the cliff, "Okay. Wish granted. Bitch." Anthony let go of Joseph and aggressively pushed him off the cliff.

The ambulance and police cars started coming towards the cliff area from far away and took Joseph to the hospital. Rita, Alex, and Roger gasped seeing Joseph being wheeled into the ambulance and Alex was affected the most. Alex ate his pudding sadly, "I hope Joseph isn't dead. That'll kill me if he is dead. Out of everybody in the world, I'm afraid of losing Joseph most."

Roger was offended and crossed his arms to Alex, "Um? Hello? I'm your boyfriend and I'm the one keeping your clothes nice and I scrub your car clean everyday, yet you say Joseph is more important?!" Alex gulped and looked at Roger nervously, "I'm sorry, babe. You do so much for me. But you yelled at my mom just because she carries groceries with two hands." Roger shook his head and shouted irritated, "IT'S NOT NORMAL TO CARRY GROCERIES THAT WAY, MAN!"

Alex stood up to Roger and walked towards him, "No offense, but you're a control freak. You tell me what to wear, get mad if I make a mistake, and you want everything to be picture perfect. Well, guess what? I'm no longer in your control. We're done." Roger had a furious expression on his face and ran away, calling Aquafina crying, "Please come back to Earth. Joseph is...dead. Goodbye." I was in my bedroom on Mars while my dad was watching action movies, until I heard Roger's voicemail and gasped, transporting myself back to Earth.

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