I may have a head start, but Edward, who not only knows his way better than I do, but is sure as hell fast. Within seconds of me running from the cemetery, he catches up, laughing at me. Taking a risk, I decide to jump over him.
I revel while I soar over him, stunning him momentarily. Chortling, I push myself further, feeling his laugh vibrating behind me. I lunge forward as he catches up again, and as he speeds forward, a part of me tells me I'm stronger. It relates to his bizarre eye colour - and as I make my strides equal to three of his, making us run at an equal pace, my theory is proven correct.
I keep laughing as Edward's concentration slips - he looks amused and irritated, which makes me laugh harder. Man, this guy doesn't like to be beaten. Must be the era he's from, back when women were housewives only. I studied feminism since I turned - in fact, I've studied a lot of things since I turned. I often steal textbooks from warehouses when I'm staying places that have plenty of food - the rougher areas of large cities are always plentiful. Lots of runaways and hobos.
Edward suddenly turns and heads east. Scents become stronger - a combination of aromas that smell amazing. I can't quite name their scents - they have a quality to them that no ordinary creation could compare to. However, it's close - I can smell flowers; fruits; rising bread, oddly enough.
We are speeding through greenery when I see it.
The house is timeless, graceful, and probably about two centuries old. It's painted a soft, faded white; three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. The windows and doors look modern - I assume them to be the most perfect restoration.
I stop abruptly, and Edward flies past me before stopping himself. He turns and looks at me questioningly.
Oh dear lord. His velvet-like voice wraps around my name in a way that makes me want to pounce on him. I ignore the image of me pouncing on him, and look to the house again.
'That's beautiful.' I say. I sigh as I take in the whole grandeur of the house, wondering what possibilities await me indoors. If I'd lived my human life and had earned enough money, I probably would have begged the Cullens to sell it to me.
Or just moved in, if they'd gone and hidden away in some other sunless town.
Edward walks to my side. 'Yes. I always enjoy my stays here. Esme restores it before we come back to live here - it's a hobby of hers.' He smiles fondly. I assume Esme to be, for all intents and purposes, his mother.
'Before we returns she'll always come first, to update the house, repair it and so forth.' He smiles, and looks at me. 'Need to look as human as possible.'
I grin at that, remembering my earlier thought about keeping up a human charade. Seems I've been doing as well as vampires who are at least two centuries old.
'Come on,' Edward says, reaching down and pulling on my wrist. 'You need to meet the family.'
Another red-hot shock jolts through my body, but I ignore it, narrow my eyes, and follow him to the porch.
He opens the door, and shuts it again quickly.
'Be warned - Alice can be a little too much to bear.'
I feel my eyes widen as he opens the door at the same time somebody screeches,

The Beginning of Forever - A Twilight Fan Fiction
Teen FictionWhen Bella Swan ran away from home the last thing she expected was to be turned into a vampire after an attack. Eighty years later, she returns to Forks.. To meet the Cullens, vampires with a very different take on inmortality... My first story, hop...