Chapter 9 ~ Family

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~ Angelinas P.O.V

The car trip took about thirty minutes, and those were a long thirty minutes since Niklaus NEVER held the speed limit. My breath hitched at every turn, but by some utter miracle we always made it. 

Eventually I couldn't help myself and broke the silence.

-Would you maybe think about driving like a sane human being? 

-I would, however I'm not human. Niklaus smirked.

I sighed.

My mother, or my adoptive mother which I still perceived as my mother, was probably worried sick about me. If she hadn't already called the police, considering I'd been gone for nearly the entire day.

- So, maybe I should call my mother and let her know I'm okay. I mean, I've been gone almost the entire day. I stated.

- Yes of course, we'll see to it when we get to the French Quarter. Elijah answered me.

- Yeah, okay. I said the same moment the car hilted to a stop.

Niklaus quickly opened the car door for me, I hurried out.

Escaping was pointless. How were they so fast?

I was met by the house I once ran from and honestly, I was quite curious about what Elijah meant when he said that there were some people waiting for me. 

I do have a pretty good idea about who one of them could be.

We started to approach the big wooden door and just as I was about to press the doorbell the door opened. 

A pretty, brown haired woman stood in the doorway. She had beautiful features and thoughtful eyes. But her eyes were glassy and the moment she saw me, a single tear slid down her right cheek.

She hugged me tight and I couldn't do anything other than accept the hug. This lady was strong.

After the awkward hug she stepped back and looked at me.

- I'm sorry, it's just been so long since I last saw you. She said with watery eyes.

- Oh, it's okey. I said and swallowed.

- I'm Haley, and you're my baby girl. She said with several tears trickling down her cheeks and a broken voice.

I didn't know what to say, I just stood there, completely and utterly frozen.

She was my so called biological mother. 

She probably hadn't seen me since I was a baby, and I had nothing to say to her.  S

Somehow it felt like she knew me, she felt familiar. Like a missing puzzle piece had been found, like a gaping, empty hole within me had been filled.

I guess I had suspected I was adopted for a long time. There was just certain things that didn't add up within my adoptive family, questions that other families had answers too but mine didn't. And since I was relentless in finding out more about my past, I had overwhelmed my adoptive parents with questions.

As a result, when I got older, I had more questions than answers. Which left me suspicious. Although when I actually confronted my adoptive mother and she admitted it, it was real. Like actually real.

I had all my life tried to convince myself that my family was like any other. Despite it, deep, deep down I'd never managed to convince myself of that fact.

I knew I had to call mom and tell her that I was okay. She had definitely already posted wanted pictures on me on her Facebook page and called the police, that I now knew for sure. But Elijah had said that I could call her soon, so I figured I had to be patient and play along with this family reunion.

If I ever got away from here, I would try to forgive her for everything. I just wanted to hear her voice, telling me everything was okay. Telling me that vampires didn't exist, that they were just stories made up to scare children from ever trying search for what really hid in the shadows. Like a very real murderer or something.

Suddenly I noticed someone standing behind Hayley, a blonde woman. 

Another relative? My aunt maybe?

The blonde woman was obviously curious about me, trying discreetly to have a look at me.
Although Hayley noticed it, and stepped aside for a bit. 

The blonde woman took a deep breath when she saw me, her eyes started to water too and her hand covered her mouth the second she saw me.

- I can't believe your here, I'm your aunt... Rebekah. My aunt said with a British accent, identical to the accent Niklaus had.

She hugged me tightly and let go after a while..

-I'm sorry, this is just a lot to take in. I said, my voice almost breaking.

It took a while, but I soon got a grip on the situation. 

I wanted to ask about vampires, witches and Leila. I wanted to know everything about the supernatural and how my relatives fitted into all of this.

It was amazing sitting in a kitchen with my biological family surrounding me and explaining why they had given up the only thing that mattered most to them. I took pride in the fact that every time I asked a question they all listened carefully. They looked at me with admiration and it felt like I had found a second home. 


I know that there isn't an excuse that can possibly cover the fact that I haven't been writing on this story for a few months. But honestly, I wanted this chapter to be perfect for you guys. Because this is the chapter filled with lots of drama like Angie meeting Hayley and dealing with the fact that she had an aunt. We also have the best thing with her grandmother trying to kill her. My achievement anxiety mixed with writings block and the most important tests in school made it turn out this way. But now when summers here and I have lots of spare time, I will do my best to continue this story. Because I do really love it, I love to write. If you're reading this, thank you so much for reading this chapter and this far. I will try also try to correct some grammar faults when I have time!
Big hugs from Vanessa! 💗

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