Chapter 4 The bloody man

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I approached the door with caution and managed to slid through the small opening without making a single, loud noise.

A tiny whimper nearly escaped my lips when I witnessed where the sickening screams originated from. 

However by slapping a hand over my mouth I was able to stop myself. I was overcome by fear and my body urged me to run, but I needed to somehow try and save this poor man.

To explain the situation as clearly as possible. There was a man chained, all bloody, to a chair. Who I could see, even from behind this pillar, had a broken nose. There were two other men standing in front of the bloody man. The poor man constricted to the chair had scars covering his face. He had several cuts to his cheeks and nose. In addition to all of this his lip had ruptured. Leaving him quite a scary sight. 

I figured the disfigurement was the work of the man with the golden, blonde hair who constantly threw punches at him. While yet another man stood idly by and watched. 

How could someone be so cruel as to do this to another human being?

The man who had short, golden, blonde hair was wearing a black leather jacket with a red t-shirt underneath it and black jeans. He was wearing dark brown dress shoes. He had light blue eyes and stood at about 5'11 ft, which was pretty tall in comparison to me.

I shivered as he smirked with mischievous eyes, while admiring his handiwork on the restrained bloody man.

Next to the violent man stood a man with hazel brown eyes and dark brown hair. It looked as if he was about to attend a banquet or some important board meeting, as he stood there with his black suit and expensive dress shoes. He was slightly bigger, physically, compared to his partner and from my guess he stood at about 5'13 ft. Although both of them looked just as lethal.

- Now, friend, I need you to tell me the truth. Is my girl back in town? The golden, blonde haired man asked the bloody man tied to the chair.

- Your little girl that you handed to those humans? Well, how should I know? The bloody man answered sarcastically and with a rusty voice.

- Consequently, it appears you are no use to us anymore. The dark haired man added.

The injured man jerked upwards in an attempt at freeing himself from the chair. Nevertheless he was still stuck.

In less than a second the dark haired man had punched his fist into the chest of the bloody man and he was just about to rip his heart out when I screamed.

- Stop! Don't hurt him! My voice came out steadier than I'd anticipated.

I hadn't even prepared something to use for my own protection before I made my presence known. It was a natural reaction from my side. I couldn't just watch that poor man get killed.

The two men in charge of the torture turned around hastily, the dark haired man still with his hand in the bloody man's chest, taken aback by my sudden entrance. An unpleasant, thick silence spread across the room.

- And what are you going to do if we hurt him, love? The blonde man asked, his British accent becoming more obvious.

- You don't want to know. I said, thankful that my voice didn't break.

- Then perhaps you could tell us what kind of importance this man has to you? The dark haired man asked, his eyes showing a hint of curiosity.

- He's a stranger to me. I said.

 -However I am not going stand by while you two murder him! For all I know he's innocent! I chimed, astonished by their lack of emotion.

- Oh, but he's barely innocent, love. For all we know he's been a vital part in a plan comprised to harm what I deem most valuable! The blonde haired man stated, anger rising in his voice.

- Who cares?! You can't just execute someone! I screamed.

-Innocent until proven guilty is how it usually goes you maniac! I responded fearlessly, while silently dying on the inside.

I sprung into action, thinking and hoping that I had somewhat distracted them with my blatant comment on lunacy. I ran towards the bloody man, but the blonde haired man appeared in front of me long before I could reach him. 

I tried to push him out of my way and to my surprise he flew backwards, straight into a solid brick wall. 

To my surprise the brick shattered like glass against his back.

I blinked two times, unable to comprehend what I'd just done and how it had unfolded.

The dark haired man reacted as if I had defied gravity, which I quite literally had!

What the h-word had I just managed to do? 

The blonde haired man stared at me with disbelief, as he was at the same time trying to crawl out of the rubble of brick. 

His partner, the dark haired man, released his grip on the bloody man's heart and proceeded to stare at me dumbfound.

I had no time to waste. I quickly freed the man tied to the chair and started to head for the door with him. 

I struggled to keep him upright, he weighed a ton, and my weight of 120 pounds didn't help the situation. In my heart I knew there was a big chance the two men wouldn't let us leave, however I wasn't about to give up. 

And sure enough, right as we got to the entryway, the dark haired man appeared in front of us. He snapped the bloody man's neck like a twig. 

I instantly freaked and tried to find a way around him, but then he grabbed me and I was consumed by darkness.

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