Chapter 5

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(Shuichi's POV)

(I was sitting in the cafeteria with my usual friend group, listening to Rantaro's story of him and Kirumi being in the Love Room and officially becoming a couple.)

Rantaro: And after telling her that I liked her too, I kissed her and asked her to be my girlfriend.

Me: Well congratulations on becoming a couple you two.

Kirumi: Why thank you so much, Mr. Saihara.

Kaito: So who do you think is going to get the next key?

Rantaro: Don't know. But who knows? Maybe Shuichi might be the lucky one.

Me: Heh, I don't know.

(I then look around and see that Kokichi isn't anywhere to be seen.)

Me: Hey, have you guys seen Kokichi?

Kaito: Come to think of it, I don't think I even saw him come in the cafeteria.

Maki: Do you think he may have gotten into trouble?

Tenko: That would never happen. Kokichi's the least likely to get into trouble with someone.

Rantaro: Maybe we should go find him.

Kirumi: That would probably be the best course of action.

Me: Alright. Let's go.

(The six of us make our way out of the cafeteria. We then decided to split up into teams to make the search easier. Kaito and Maki searched the second floor, Rantaro and Kirumi searched the dorms, and me and Tenko searched the first floor. As we searched the first floor, we saw him arguing with Kaede. As me and Tenko get closer to find out what they're arguing about, Kaede slaps Kokichi, knocking him to the ground. As we rush over to the two, Kaede spots us.)

Kaede: Hi Shuichi~

(I just ignore Kaede as I kneel down to Kokichi, who was holding his cheek with his hand.)

Me: Kokichi, are you okay?

Kokichi: Yeah, I'm good. Thanks Shuichi.

(After helping Kokichi up onto his feet, I look at Kaede.)

Me: Why did you slap him?

Tenko: Yeah. Slapping a defenseless man is pretty low.

Kaede: He was telling me to stay away from you.

Kokichi: Well I have a good reason for telling you that, you crazy girl. And technically saying, you told me to stay away from Shuichi.

Kaede: Only because he never spends time with me. You guys hog him all the time.

(Hearing that statement made me feel so angry that as I was about to lift my arm up, Tenko aggressively kicks Kaede into the wall, knocking her out instantly.)

Me: Thanks Tenko.

Tenko: No problem. Besides, she was starting to tick me off.

Me: Same here. Now come on, let's go.

(Me, Tenko, and Kokichi then walk away from our current location and meet up with the others. As we met up with Rantaro, Kirumi, Kaito, and Maki, Kaito saw Kokichi holding his cheek in his hand and ran towards him.)

Kaito: Kokichi, what happened?

Kokichi: I was making my way to the cafeteria when Kaede grabbed me to tell her that I should stay away from Shuichi. I then told her that she needed to stay away from him and called her crazy. Next thing I know, she just slaps me right on the face. That was when these two came to my rescue and Tenko kicked Kaede into a wall.

Rantaro: Man, that girl really needs to get help.

Kaito: That's for sure.

(The rest of us nod in agreement to Rantaro's statement.)

{Time Skip}

(A few minutes later, I'm in the gym with Kaito, Rantaro, and Kokichi working out.)

Kaito: 95...96...97..98..99...100! Yeah! That felt great!

Me: 52...53...54...

Kaito: You're only at 54!? How have you only done 54 sit ups!? Rantaro has done 75 so far!

Me: That's and Rantaro are more athletic than me.

Kaito: True.

Rantaro: But at're more athletic than Kokichi.

(We all turn to see Kokichi.)

Kokichi: 38...39...40...

(After I finished my sit ups, we did 100 push up and 100 squats. After that Kaito finally gave us a break.)

Kokichi: I have never...felt my whole life.

Me: You both...

Kaito: How do you guys not have that much energy?

Kokichi: Truth be told, I normally don't work out this much.

Me: I never did anything like this when I did detective work with my uncle.

Kokichi: But I don't know how you're so fit, Rantaro.

Rantaro: Well it may come as a shock to you guys but I recently found out what my ultimate talent is.

Kaito: You did?

Rantaro: Yeah. Turns out I'm the Ultimate Adventurer.

Me: Now that explains how you're so fit. All that adventuring must have kept you in shape.

Rantaro: Yeah, pretty much.

(We were doing some talking when the Monokubs busted in.)

Monotaro: Hey, kids! You missed the details on the next Motive for da Killing game!

Monosuke: The next motive is on these discs, so go watch them okay.

(The four cubs then handed the four of us our discs.)

(Time skip)

(It was decided that me, Rantaro, Kaito, and Kokichi would all watch our motivation videos out of trust. So far the one motive we all have is a parent or loved one that is in danger. For me it's my uncle, Rantaro has one of his sisters, and Kaito has his grandparents. The last video we watched was Kokichi's. The video showed a bunch of people, all wearing the same outfit as Kokichi and were wearing clown masks. But the last few seconds showed a four year old Kokichi running up to a blond girl no older than 10. As the video ended I looked over at Kokichi who was tearing up.)

Kokichi: ...My friends...My motive is to save my old friends...

Me: Kokichi. I'm really sorry about your friends.

(Kokichi then rubbed his eyes with his arm before turning to me.)

Kokichi: Thanks Shuichi.

{Time Skip}

(I was walking towards the cafeteria when I saw everyone with worried looks on their faces.)

Me: What's going on?

Keebo: Korekiyo and Gonta haven't been seen anywhere.

Kaito: You don't think they-

(Just before Kaito was about to finish his sentence, we hear someone scream. All of us turn around to see Tenko running towards us with tears in her eyes and blood on her hands.)

Me: Tenko? What happened?

Tenko: I just...woke up in a dark room. When I...looked around to see where I was, I saw t-t-two dead bodies lying on the floor.

Kaito: What? Are you serious?

Tenko: Mhm.

Me: Tenko, do you think you could show us where you found the bodies?

(Tenko didn't say anything but gave a shaky nod. After a few minutes of walking, we all stop at the door to Korekiyo's lab. When we opened the door, we are met with... the dead bodies of Korekiyo and Gonta.)

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