Chapter Sixty-Seven: Zayn

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Chapter Sixty-Seven: Zayn

It was just like Thanksgiving had been. Eric doing something annoyingly fatherly and me being unable to react to it. I could still remember how the actual Thanksgiving day began and now hilariously Christmas was looking to be much the same. Him in the kitchen getting on my nerves. I didn't know why it got on my nerves he did this really, it just did. Maybe because he'd changed his life and I wasn't there yet? Or maybe I hadn't brought myself to forgive him like Samuel had said. I was starting to think the guy may actually know what he was talking about.

"What are you doing?" I asked dryly walking into the room.

"Thanksgiving dinner," he responded.

"It's Christmas," I reminded knowing he knew this already. I could tell he was about to start one of those deep conversations I wanted nothing to do with and especially not with him.

It had only been December for nearly twenty-five days. He was the freaking principal of the school. The place was as decked out with Christmas decorations as our house was. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was gay and I was still debating. Was that why mom married Jace? She figured out he was actually gay? Could explain his alcohol problems maybe? A gay dad. A bisexual dad. I didn't know if that would irritate me less or more. I guess that was my problem.

"Yes Zayn, but what is Christmas about?"

Here we go.

"I don't know Eric I always thought it was about the birth of Christ? Sound about right."

"Yes but much like Thanksgiving it's also about being thankful for what you have."

"I've already done that with Alec and Luci on actual thanksgiving. l already did it for Christmas at the Otten household with everyone. I'd say Ive done a lot. I'm aware and pay attention to things more than you must think."

And Ariel. Let's not forget I was doing that with Ariel and this too.

"I know but we can't go without bringing something."

Forget gay or bisexual. He was turning into a woman. That's what it was.

"Whatever," I started to leave the room.

"Why don't you help me?"

"No thanks."

"Cooking is a good skill to learn son. One that you barely know-"

"You only know it because you've been too lame to get a girlfriend who could cook."

"Your mom used to love my cooking."

"I'm not talking about this."

I didn't want to talk about mom with him. I wasn't dumb enough to think she hadn't made mistakes herself and I knew that about Jace too. Yes, some of their mistakes had affected Eric negatively But I know he'd done a lot worse with his actions. She deserved to be with Jace who treated her the way she deserved. He knew this too so why discuss it at all? I wasn't going to.

"Zayn it is Christmas which is also about thanks because of the savior's birth. So we gave thanks for that and the friends and family we have. Sound familiar?"


"You need to start being thankful. You of all people should know that."

"I am thankful but that doesn't mean I'm helping you fix whatever it is your fixing," I said.

"It's green bean casserole but fine." He sighed, and I started to walk away when he opened his mouth again. "I guess I'll just have to tell Ariel that you didn't help after all."

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