Chapter Sixty-Nine: Zayn

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December 27th and 28th

"You go back to school tomorrow. How are you feeling about that?" Samuel asked from his leather chair.

It had snowed earlier this morning, and even if it was mostly gone now, there was still traces of white on the ground. Not enough for the old man to cancel school tomorrow, but I knew that wouldn't happen. I wasn't that lucky.

"Indifferent, I guess. It's just another day of school." I shrugged.

He smiled, crossing his legs as he jotted something down in his notepad. "Right, but aren't you taking exams this week?"

"Yeah, but I'm not worried about it. I only have to take two exams."

"Civics and English, I'm guessing?"


"I take it you've studied?"

I shrugged. "A little, but I'm making pretty good grades. So, I'm not really that worried about failing them."

He nodded. "Confidence is key. But shouldn't you try your best?"

"I never said I wouldn't."

He hummed, writing something else in that notepad. After he was finished he turned his attention back to me, shaking his foot lightly. "All right. Let's switch gears than since you're so confident."

"Frustration isn't a good look for you, doc." I smirked.

Samuel simply smiled. "Who said I was frustrated?"

"You're doing that thing with your foot." I pointed out.

He glanced down at his shoe and chuckled. "You think I'm frustrated just because I'm shaking my foot?"


"Okay, say I am. What is it I'm frustrated about, Zayn?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Me. It's irking you that I can never give you a straight answer. I annoy you by being so indecisive. I piss you off because despite all the things you and everyone else tries to do to help me, I always seem to fuck everything up." I admitted, eyeing him.

He stayed silent for a moment, crossing his arms. "What makes you so sure that this is how I feel?"

"I don't know. Your body language?"

"What about my body language tells you that I don't like you?"

"Shit! I don't know. How could you? I'm a crap son and friend. I suck at being a good godson. I'm fucked up and can't even make up my mind on what it is I want." I snapped suddenly.

He didn't flinch. He didn't even move at my outburst. "Zayn, I don't think any of those things. You don't frustrate me and you definitely don't piss me off. To be honest, I don't think anyone thinks that about you. So, then, why is it you feel that way about yourself?"

"Because they're all true. I know how this goes by now. You can't really tell me what you really think."

"I've told you before I will say something if I think you need to hear it."

"So what do I need to hear now?"

"The truth."

"Which is?"

"I don't think those things about you because they're not true. By what you've told me you care a lot about being a good godson, you mention your friends often and the time you spend with them. I even think you're rethinking your relationship with your father and that you appreciate him."

"What If I'm lying about those things?" I challenged.

"We're all capable of lying but as blunt and open as you are you couldn't possibly be lying. Perhaps you're not telling me everything but again you're so open I don't think there's much your hiding. Plus you aren't required to tell me anything you don't want to. Everything you've said has been of your own free will. I know you as much as I can in a clinical setting."

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