Chapter Six: Zayn

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Chapter Six: Zayn

So he was saying we weren't his friends now? Or was he referring to the fact that we weren't Ariel's friends? If that was the case, he was half right. Melinda wasn't her friend. Not anymore, and after what I'd done to her on the last day of school, we weren't friends either. Though I didn't like the idea of her getting closer to Miles. Call me jealous, whatever. I didn't trust him.

"We're all friends here, aren't we?" Melinda joked.

"Melinda, you know that isn't true." Miles sighed, and I could tell he was restraining himself.

She smirked. "I'd beg to differ. You guys were friends until Ariel came back into your lives. Why do you always ruin people's lives, huh?" She asked, turning to Ariel.

"She didn't ruin our lives, Melinda." Miles frowned and I could tell he was worried about Ariel as he looked at her.

"Well, she's ruined mine for sure. Besides that, she's a chain reaction towards everyone whoever knows her. Just pay attention and you'll see," she insisted.

"I don't mean to ruin anyone's life. But if someone helped to ruin mine it's you," Ariel returned speaking not in anger but fact.

"No honey I did you a huge favor and one day you'll thank me."

"I'm going to the restroom," she spoke standing to her feet and leaving the table.

"Truth hurts," Melinda chuckled.

"What are you guys doing?" Miles asked angrily.

"Sitting and talking obviously. The real question is what are you doing?"

"We were eating until you interrupted."

"Look how long are you going to keep this up? Honestly even I'm getting a little disgusted," she shrugged her shoulders.

"What do you mean," he looked at her.

"That naive girl's mom is in the hospital right now after getting beaten by her dad. Her head is not in a good place if it ever was. It really sucks for you to be using her right now."

"I'm lot using her. Her mom asked me to take her out of the house today. We saw a movie and are having dinner," he explained making me seeth.

Why would Ariel agree to this? It sounded a lot like a date but I knew it wasn't. From what she'd told me and what I'd seen she wouldn't so easily forgive him. Just as she wouldn't easily go on a date with him. I knew she hadn't agreed to this all on her own. Luci had suggested it. Why would she do that?

Obviously, she likes Miles but this wasn't helping anything. Luci was extremely forgiving just like my mom had been. This was why it had taken her so long to leave Kenneth. This was why she was even able to forgive Miles for what he'd done to her daughter. Maybe that's why she was able to forgive me for what I'd done. Although it helped she'd known me all my life and my parents for most of theirs. This told me I wasn't the only other young man she liked.

It was hard to accept that. Obviously, she had affection for Liam as her other godson, and as much as I hated that fact I accepted it. Liking Matt was one thing since she'd known him since he was small. Liking Reggie and Nick was one thing since they were Ariel's friends. I couldn't help but feel jealous about that. Most of all I disliked that she liked Miles after all he'd done.

It could be that she hadn't even given up on the idea of her getting back with Miles. Was that why she'd insisted he take her out? Didn't that go against what she'd told me in her hospital room? No that couldn't be it. She was kind-hearted and forgiving just like her daughter. I just didn't know how much longer she'd forgive me. This time must really be it. Yet she'd forgive him?

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