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I turn around to see Amity standing in the doorway naked, after telling her to get in the shower. She went up to me and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the bathroom and shutting the door yet again. "C'mon it's not that hard, just take it off."

I look down and sigh "don't say anything about this." she nods her head and I slip off my clothes, on my body I have a scar going from were my heart isto my waist. "Now is this why you didn't want to do this."

I smirk and pull her into a deep kiss, pushing Amity into the shower and turning it on. "Mmm~ what secrets are you keeping from me." she smirks at my comment and pushes me away.

"Why don't we figure this out later" Amitys walks out of the shower and dries herself off. "Hey no fair."

Time skip

I'm sitting in the living room when I see Eda in the corner of my eye in the kitchen.

Amity POV

I step out of Luz' room pulling a shirt over my head, when I see Luz get up and head to the kitchen. I follow her to listen in... I know I shouldn't but I have to now.

"Listen Luz you need to kick her out. I have my reasons on why as well." I feel tears develop in my eyes. "No Eda, I actually like this girl and I'm gonna treat her like the queen she is. You know what I was gonna do it next week but I'm gonna do it now." I hear Luz rush out of the kitchen and into her bedroom. That's when I jump onto the couch and go on my phone.

"AMITY WHERE ARE YOU." shit she sounds mad. "In the living room."

Luz then appears into the living room. Standing there... Menacingly. "Amity I have something important to say." Eda then runs in beside her with a look of panic in her face. "Luz no, don't do this."

She runs up to me, get on he knees and grabs my hands. "Amity Blight be my girlfriend." I blush at the comment and notice Eda shaking her head. "Y-ya" she gets up looking surprised and pulls me into a tight hug. "This calls for a celebration." she smiles.

Time skip... There's a party now btw lol


I set up this party just for Amity saying yes. Damn am I lucky.

Me and Amity are laying on the couch, her on my chest. But obviously when we get comfortable that's when the guests begin to arrive. Willow, Gus/Augustus, and then some strangers that always come to the party's I throw.

Amity jumps at multiple people coming in. We both then get up and shake there hands, "Wait Luz, it's them" she points at 3 girls, pink haired, green, and black + white. "They might have forgotten about what happened. C'mon let me actually introduce you."

I grab her hand leading us to the 3. "OMG LUZ BABY." Boscha shouts pulling me into a hug. "Hey guys, this is Amity, my new girlfriend." I smile. "Omg new one already, but after we broke up you said you'd always remember me." Boscha starts looking sad now so I pull her into a hug.

"Wait you dated this bitch?" I turn around to see Amity with her arms crossed and an angry look. "How about we grab some drinks and we can talk on the couch."

Drinks + couch

"Yes I did date Boscha, but for only a year Amity." I try explaining from the end of the couch since I can't get to her. Skara is on my left, Amelia is sitting in front of my but on the ground, and Boscha is laying down her head on my lap. "Oooo~ you should show her the roo-" I cover Boscha's mouth in an attempt to shut her up.

"Not yet, I don't think she's ready." Boscha looks me in the eyes. "Then how come you showed me it on the first day?" my eyes widen in shock. How could she say that, and why. Amity starts to get up. "I'm gonna go get some air." she then proceeds to leave the house.

Once Amity leaves I see the 3 get up and leave the house as well, before they left Boscha said, "we'll just go home now, thanks for tonight." after that everyone basically begins to leave so I say my goodbyes and jump into the shower. "Watch the door girls." I hear the bathroom door open then shut and a lock.

The curtains open and standing there is Boscha... Naked. "Now Luz, your gonna fuck me like you always did, or I'm showing Amity the room." my eyes widen, in shock. "Now touch me."

I push her aside and step out of the shower. "She's not gonna like the room then, cause after you cheated on me I promised myself to never cheat and touch you." I dried off and start to put my clothes on when I felt someone grab me by my hair and yank me into the shower.

Causing me to slip and hit my head on the tiled wall and floor. That's when it got dark.

When things couldn't get worst... It did at school, wrote this after a real lockdown. I hope everyone's safe right now.

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