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Angst timeeeeeee


I help Amity get out of her bed and walk to the living room, she stumbled most of the way but I make sure she doesn't fall.

"Can I ask you something?" she asked looking up into my eyes. "Of course, you can ask me anything." we sit on the couch and I held her hand softly.

"Have you ever thought about the future?" my eyes grew wide and a blush grows on my face, I can feel it. "Yes! I mean... Yes I have thought about a future especially one with you." then I remembered the hospital and what the doctor said to me.

"Amity..." I know that I have to tell her, I can do it right now... It's not the best time but it's the only time. "What is it? Did I say something wrong?" her grip on my hand loosens and I sighed.

"Remember when I went to the hospital?" she nodded. "They said I have a certain amount of time left, they said after that time... O-or even before that my main organs would fail, my brain, heart, and kidneys."

She chuckled. "Funny joke." I shook my head and sighed. "It's not a joke. I'm serious." I saw her raise one of her hands, then felt it slap across my face.

"YOU SAID YOU WERE FINE!" she started to cry and I rubbed my face softly, then stood up. "I didn't want you to worry about me." she tried to stand up but fell onto the couch again.

"I'm aloud to worry about you! We're fucking dating!"

"Amity please stop yelling I'm sorry, I know I should've told you." she reached forward and grabbed onto my shirt tightly. "You're damn right you should've told me. Then maybe I wouldn't have fallen in love with somebody who is fucking dying!"

I put my hand on her wrist, wanting her to let go but she didn't, she gripped tighter and tighter onto my shirt. "Amity let go of me."

"NO! i-if I do you'll only leave me!"

"Amity I won't leave..." we stayed there in silence for a while until she finally let go and looked down. "Don't leave me." I sat down next to her and put my arms out slightly. She fell into them and I could feel her start to sob into my neck.

After some more time she pulled away and whipped her face. "How long did they give you?"

"I think it was 6 years... Or 6 weeks. But I'm positive it was the years." she smiled "H-Hey that's not to bad... That's still a lot of time."

I nodded. "See it's been 6 weeks since the last time I was at the hospital so I'll be fine for 6 more years." I smiled softly, trying to get her to be happy as well.

4 hours later

"Hey Amity?" she looked at me and smiled, setting down her book. "Can we go take a nap? In my room?" she looked confused but then soon nodded. "Of course we can." my breathing was shaky but I tried to hide it.

We walked into the bedroom and I laid down, she laid down next to me and put her arms around me. "A-Amity... I love you." I brought her face up and kissed her deeply... Kissed her one last time. "I love you to Luz." I smiled and my eyes started to slowly shut until it was only darkness.

Amity POV

I soon felt her breathing slow and I smiled as we laid in the bed together. Then I couldn't feel her breath anymore. "Luz?" I shook her softly, but when she didn't respond I shook her more and more, harder and harder. "LUZ!" I tried to feel for a pulse but didn't get one.

I got up, fighting the pain in my back and stomach and grabbed the phone. Immediately dialing 911.

"H-HELLO!? Yes my girlfriend, sh-she isn't breathing!" the person on the other end of the call responded saying that he'll send the paramedics, police, and fire department. Then he hung up.

My next instinct was to call Eda, it rang and rang but it immediately went to voice mail, I didn't want to leave one so I just hung up instead.

It took about 10 minutes for the paramedics to come, then the police and fire department. I opened the door and they rushed in with a stretcher. "She's in the bedroom that way." I pointed and they went into the bedroom.

I sat on the couch, tears falling out of my eyes, the police came to my side and started to ask me questions. I answered them honestly. Then I saw the paramedics come out, Luz laying on the stretcher and I stood up immediately. I followed them outside... Only to see them put that black blanket over her... Then her face.

"L-Luz!" one of the officers grabbed me by my arms, stopping me from running after her. Then I fell to the ground in pain, my cuts tore open and I started to bleed again.

I looked at the officer as blood started to spill from my mouth. His eyes went wide and grabbed me, rushing me to the ambulance, it was a big one so the stretchers were right next to each other. I felt my body become weak. I grabbed Luz's hand and smiled, then closed my eyes.


I woke up to a bright light and sat up slowly, rubbing my head and looking to my side. Luz wasn't there.

"Amity?" I heard a voice call out for me, I looked around, trying to see who said it, then I stood up. No more pain...

I walked towards a door and opened it slowly, I looked down this long hall that I did not recognize at all it must be the hospital. I saw a front desk and started to head towards it.

"Um excuse me but is there a Luz Noceda here?" the receptionist looked at me. "Oh she just signed out." then she looked behind me. "Oh she's right there." I turned around quickly and sure enough there she was, standing right by the exit door. I ran towards her and basically tackled her to the ground.

"Hey what the fuck." she pushed me off and stood up, then looked at me. "Amity? AMITY!" She out her arms around me then pulled back from the hug, only to kiss me deeply.

"L-Luz... I thought I lost you. Where are we?" her eyes widened slightly, then she chuckled.

"We're dead."


She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, only to be met by a bright light and people everywhere... Dead celebrities, dead pets, and even some dead family members. "Amity... Why are you dead?" I held her hand tighter, not wanting to let go. "My cuts opened up again and I bled."

"Well... We're here forever, what do you want to do first?" I grabbed her softly and leaned up, kissing her for a while.

"Whatever we do first... I wanna do it with you."

Y'all I'm gonna miss this story, but at least I'm able to update more story's now 🥲

I hope you guys enjoyed this story.

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